Is it worth reviewing old yearbooks for racism? Our readers debate

USA TODAY Network began a nationwide review of college yearbooks after startling images of blackface and a Ku Klux Klan hood were discovered on the 1984 medical school yearbook page of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam.

Why do this investigation at all?

Letter to the editor:

Someone at USA TODAY had the bright idea of sending a herd of reporters to look at yearbooks only for images that are now deemed racial.

The search was no doubt successful, but why was it done in the first place? The only reason I can think of is to stir up racial tensions. Why?

For eight years, America had a bi-racial president, and more African-Americans are serving in Congress and in their communities.

Are race relations perfect? Probably not, but looking at countries all around the world, I think it's safe to say that most have racial or religious tensions at varying degrees. However, I don't think that there's a country on earth that has done more to ensure equality with all of its citizens than America has.

So, again, the reason for digging up 30-40+ year old photos is?

Tom Reeves; Auburndale, Fla.

Read USA TODAY's investigation: Blackface, KKK hoods and mock lynchings: Review of 900 yearbooks finds blatant racism

This is telling of the racial climate that prevails today

Comments and tweets are edited for clarity and grammar:

I'm not surprised by the findings of USA TODAY's investigation. I always felt that this just the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure that a lot of racism and discrimination took place on many college campuses. The research done and revealed is so telling of the racial climate and attitudes which prevailed in the 1970s, 80s and 90s, and still prevails today.

— Florence Graydon

It's so strange that racist imagery could be so common in our yearbooks, yet I had no idea about it, probably due to the fact that I doubt these people would be comfortable being so blatantly racist, if they had even one black person in the room.

— @kahlildozier

Racism is worldwide and it comes in all shapes and sizes. The Irish were enslaved and nearly wiped out by the English. The Jews were nearly eliminated by the Germans. Africans fought each other and sold captured tribes into slavery. America is not unique in its struggles dealing with racism.

It is time to put the past behind and move forward as one nation. But if we continue to hold people responsible for the actions of the past, we only plant more seeds for racism. It's like picking on a wound; it will never heal. Racism is being used to divide this country and it's working.

— Dotty Hetman

Why? Why continue to propagate this? Yes, it happened. It happened way back then. Times have changed. Has USA TODAY gone through any new yearbooks?

— @AlbinLSowash

Ignoring our racist past and "letting it rest" does nothing to improve the hate that is continuing to this day. Just this week a paper in Alabama had an editorial where a person is requesting a Ku Klux Klan terrorist action against people now! Not 40 years ago, not 20 years ago; this week.

If we don't confront racism head on, these kind of monsters will continue to find nothing wrong with their behavior.

— Heather Thompson Zimmerman

This investigation shows how much we have changed and how well we have conquered racism. People say we are still a racist country, but their opinion doesn't support the facts.

— @jordanparker464

Excusing bad behavior

Oh, well then, if all the other kids were doing it, I guess it's OK!

I was in university in the 80s, and I guarantee you that no one would have done anything like this. Nice try at covering the boys in Virginia, though.

— William Hollman

I have to ask, what is gained by digging up these photos and what was the agenda of USA TODAY? Slow news days? By continuing to reopen old wounds they can never have a chance to heal.

— Christy Mccormick

It's obvious that the news media is stoking racial division in the age of President Donald Trump. We have come a long way from when these photos were taken, but you continue to try and pull us back. Disgusting!

— @hvmom63

I wonder if most of the commenters would have the same reaction if it were their ancestors who were murdered and savagely mistreated. Let's have sympathy for other people and learn from these stories so that we can be better to one another.

— Jen DeRooi

Of course USA TODAY found racist pictures in its investigation. At one point, people believed the earth was flat. The idea that people can't/don't/won't grow into better humans is false.

I'm 58. Test me now against my 18-year-old self and I would fail against my expectations of myself today.

— @JustJoeSays

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Is it worth reviewing old yearbooks for racism? Our readers debate