Worldwide market share for smartphones

Worldwide market share for smartphones, a market dominated by Apple and Samsung

Research firm IDC says manufacturers shipped more smartphones than regular cellphones in the first three months of this year. Here are IDC's figures for worldwide smartphone unit shipments and market share in the first quarter of 2013. There were 216 million smartphone shipped during the quarter, up 42 percent from 153 million a year earlier.

— Samsung Electronics Co., 70.7 million units, 32.7 percent share (28.8 percent share a year earlier, 60.7 percent increase)

— Apple Inc., 37.4 million units, 17.3 percent share (23.0 percent share a year earlier, 6.6 percent increase)

— LG Electronics Inc., 10.3 million units, 4.8 percent share (3.2 percent share a year earlier, more than double)

— Huawei Technologies Ltd., 9.9 million units, 4.6 percent share (3.3 percent share a year earlier, 94.1 percent increase)

— ZTE Corp., 9.1 million units, 4.2 percent share (4.0 percent share a year earlier, 49.2 percent share increase)

— Other, 78.8 million units, 36.4 percent share (37.7 percent share a year earlier, 37.0 percent increase)

Source: IDC