World's largest birding tournament raises money for Texas birds

Jul. 8—AUSTIN — Famous for being the biggest, longest, wildest birdwatching tournament in the country, this year's Great Texas Birding Classic raised $45,000 for projects to benefit birds and other wildlife, a press release from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department stated.

Celebrating its 26th year, the tournament has raised $1.1 million for on-the-ground conservation work to acquire, restore and enhance wildlife habitat.

More than 1,000 Texans from across the state participated in the all-ages competition to watch and listen for as many species of birds as possible.

"The Great Texas Birding Classic takes place during the spectacular spring migration and this year did not disappoint," Shelly Plante, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Nature Tourism Manager, stated in the press release. "Participants spotted a record 425 species of birds. The tournament gives people a fun way to spend time outside while raising money for a good cause."

Youth team mentor Nicole Biggerstaff stated in the press release, "We were so impressed with the kids' ability to focus and identify birds. They were completely loving it. I really feel we've ignited a love for nature, the outdoors and birding in these young kids' lives!"

Winning Birding Classic teams get to select which projects to fund. The following is the West Texas grants awarded:


$5,000 Intact Flock Toyota Upper Texas Coast Big Day Conservation Grant — Selected by Free Falling Falcons.

Project: BJ Bishop Wetlands: Creating Space for Birds and People — submitted by Big Bend Conservation Alliance.

Project Location: Presidio, Presidio County.

This event is made possible by team sponsorships and registration fees, donations from event sponsors Toyota and Texas Ornithological Society, and awards ceremony sponsor, Audubon Texas. For more information, visit the TPWD Great Texas Birding Classic page.