Woodbridge Returns To July Levels Of Coronavirus

WOODBRIDGE, NJ — As of Friday, March 4 Woodbridge logged 110 reported new cases of coronavirus last week, said Mayor John McCormac.

However, 74 of those cases go back to January.

"We therefore had 36 new cases this week and less than 100 cases in the last two weeks, which has not happened since July," said McCormac in his weekly Friday updates.

There was, however, a 77-year-old Woodbridge Twp. man who died with coronavirus in the past week. He was not identified by name by the Township. "Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers," said the mayor.

"It looks like the January surge was so great that it caused a significant backlog of reporting cases at the state level. We are only seven weeks out from daily cases in the hundreds and now we are in the single digits so things are really looking better," said McCormac.

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This article originally appeared on the Woodbridge Patch