Women in this country are marching for their right to go out


On Jan. 21, the world was taken over by women's marches. Or so it seems. 

While America marched against President Trump, Indian women took to the streets to reclaim their right to public spaces. 

SEE ALSO: Bangalore's 'Night of Shame': Mass molestation in India's Silicon Valley on New Year's Eve

What started as a Facebook thread following the Bangalore mass-molestation on New Year's Eve has now snowballed into a nationwide movement called 'I Will Go Out'.

More than 20 Indian cities including the national capital of New Delhi, metros Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad, and even smaller towns like Bhopal and Lucknow, witnessed hordes of women across age groups spilling out on the streets with placards and posters bearing strong messages against sexual harassment and gender inequality.


The protest marches have been organized by a collective of women’s rights groups known as I Will Go Out "in solidarity against sexual harassment and misogyny and to reclaim women’s right to safe public spaces." The group has been actively using social media platforms to galvanize crowds across the country. 

As more and more women took to the streets, chants of "din bhi hamara, raat bhi hamari" (days and nights both belong to us), "goondagardi nahi sahenge" (we won't tolerate hooliganism) and many hard-hitting slogans echoed in the air. 

In some parts of the country, the men joined as well.

There has been huge support for the movement that seems to have cut across demographic divides. And social media is inundated with live updates from the marches.

Here's to revolution!

BONUS: All over the world nasty women and men hit the streets one day after Trump's inauguration