Woman Suffers From Permanent Baby Bump

Every new woman worries about her body bouncing back after a pregnancy, but for one mom her baby bump became permanent! Can The Doctors help her get her pre-baby body back?

Amy suffers from a condition known as diastasis recti, where her stomach muscles separated and never fused back together after she gave birth to her third child. She is now left with what looks like a permanent baby bump, something she’s been struggling with for 7 years.

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“I have no control over my stomach, my insides will literally pop out like a bowling ball. I feel and I look like I’m 8 months pregnant,” she says, sharing that after seeing numerous doctors, she learned she has a rectus hernia and no muscles to support her stomach.

The condition has left Amy in “excruciating, debilitating pain every day” and has affected her ability to do even simple things like stay on her feet for longer than 15 minutes at a time. It is also affecting her family as well, as she is unable to interact with them as she is often bound to the couch or in bed.

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“I want to be out enjoying life with my family. My self-esteem is shot. I feel useless as a wife and a mother,” she continues.

The Doctors had Amy consult with plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Zarrabi, who said Amy’s case is the most extreme he’s ever seen during the course of his practice. Despite the severity, Dr. Zarrabi says there is hope that with surgery, and losing some weight prior, Amy could recover from her condition.

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Check out the video below to find out the possibly life-changing surprises Dr. Zarrabi and The Doctors have in store for Amy!