Woman Lost In Woods For Month Was High On Meth, Police Say

Lisa Theris was found naked on the side of the road after almost a month lost in the Alabama woods.

The woman who was found naked and alone after 25 days in the Alabama woods earlier this month may have been high on drugs when she got lost, police said. Lisa Theris, 25, was found on the side of the road with no memory of how she got there.

Bullock County Sheriff Raymond Rogers, however, said he thought he might have an explanation.

“Me, personally, I think she was on meth,” Rodgers told the Daily Mail Wednesday. “She was hallucinating and she just got lost in the woods. She was probably so under the influence of drugs that she stripped her clothes off. She was in such a strange place, she came to, she didn’t know where she was. I don’t know how much drugs she took but I believe she was in there the whole time.”

To make matters more confusing, the two men she was with before she went missing gave conflicting accounts of what had happened to police officers.

“We are thinking they were all pretty much on drugs,” said Rodgers.

Manly Davis, 31, first told police that Theris jumped out of their truck when they tried to burglarize a camp ground. But Randy Oswald, 36, told police they shot her in the back of the head and tossed her body in a creek. The false confession sparked a two day search involving cadaver dogs and divers.

“They were so geeked out that they started blaming each other for a murder that didn’t happen,” Rodgers told the Daily Mail. “They were as relieved as we were when she walked out of those woods. They were thinking that he killed her.”

The Bullock County Sherriff’s Office said they had not yet confirmed whether Theris was, in fact, on drugs when she went missing. When Theris finally emerged from the woods after 25 days, she had lost 45 pounds and was covered in insect bites. The radiology student recalled how she had subsisted off wild mushrooms and muddy water in order to survive. Her father at one point suggested she may have been drugged, a theory she said “made sense.”

“If it rained, I’d have to, like, squeeze the water out of my hair and drink,” Theris said during an appearance on “Good Morning America” last week. “I would try to keep going mostly forward, never back unless I ran out of water and I remembered a certain place where there was water. There were times I thought I was never going to make it out but I just kept pushing, tried to keep that in the back of my head.”

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