Woman Claps Back

Photo credit: Facebook
Photo credit: Facebook

From Cosmopolitan

“My husband doesn't have a lot, neither of us do,” Ariel McRae, 22, explained in a Nov. 26 Facebook post. “We scrape and scrape to pay bills and put food in our bellies, but after almost 2 years of dating we decided that we couldn't wait anymore, so we didn’t.”

McRae then elaborated on what many consider to be some of the happiest moments of their lives: picking out their engagement and wedding bands. With her then-fiancé who “scraped up just enough money to buy me two matching rings from Pandora,” McRae came to a decision and was so excited about the $130 bands. As they were checking out though…

Another lady that was working there came over to help the lady selling them to us. She said, "Y'all can you believe that some men get these as engagement rings? How pathetic." When she said that I watched my now husband's face fall. He already felt bad because he couldn't afford the pear-shaped set that so obviously had my heart and covered my Pinterest page. He already felt like a failure, asking me again and again "Are you sure you'll be happy with these? Are you sure this is okay?" He was so upset at the idea of not making me happy enough and of me not wanting to marry him because my rings didn't cost enough money or weren't flashy enough.

McRae then explained though her old instinct would have been to tell the woman off, but she instead responded “’It isn't the ring that matters, it is the love that goes into buying one that is.’ We bought the rings and left. Y'all I would have gotten married to this man if it had been a 25¢ gum ball machine ring.”

The post now has more than 100,000 shares and reactions, as well as hundreds of comments from women supporting McRae and sharing the stories of their rings and marriages as well. McRae continues to respond to the comments, as well as give the world major life updates. Most recently? That she’s really happily married and looking forward to the holidays. 💪💪💪

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