Windstream officials discuss broadband upgrades

Feb. 13—Broadband internet services are expected to be upgraded soon in Milledgeville.

That's the message Windstream officials delivered to members of Milledgeville City Council and Mayor Mary Parham-Copelan during a work session last month.

Michael Forr, vice president of governmental affairs for Windstream Kinetic, and several other company officials talked with city officials about the company's plans.

"You all may have seen the Kinetic trucks out and about in our community as they have been going through some fiber optic upgrades," said City Manager Hank Griffeth. "We know that broadband access in our community is vitally important."

The city manager talked more in-depth about it in his report to city officials later in the work session.

Griffeth pointed out that the city is looking at becoming a "Broadband Ready Community" through the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.

"I feel like this will be really important to our community as we start looking at the possibility of some of that state money the governor mentioned in his State of the State Address, if it comes through, as well as some EDA money, and other federal monies that may become available to strengthen broadband in our community," Griffeth said. "There are currently 11 Broadband Ready Communities in Georgia, and it would be my hope that we could be No. 12."

There will be two public hearings, as well as two stakeholder meetings during the process.

But there will be no local money associated with the meetings, the city manager said.

City Council later approved a resolution related to applying for special funds.

The first public hearing is set for Feb. 16 at 6 p.m.

"I think it would be advantageous for us to be Broadband Ready, so that we can be prepared when some of those monies come down," Griffeth said.

Forr said he appreciated the opportunity afforded him and others with the company to talk about the company's upgrades within the city.

"We have been doing quite a bit of work in your community and one thing we recognized is doing a lot of work doesn't really matter if we don't tell the leaders of the community what we're doing," Forr said. "If people aren't aware of all the upgrades that you're working on, you're not accomplishing the full goal."

Forr said it is important to him and other company officials to be more diligent in talking with leaders across their footprint.

"And we have quite a vast footprint across the state of Georgia," Forr said. "And we've been investing quite a bit."

Forr then introduced other officials who joined the meeting by Zoom teleconference and talked some to city officials.

"I think as much as anything, we want to make sure that when you leave that you know who you can reach out to at Windstream if you have questions," Forr said. "We're not going to be able to cover everything that we're doing in your community, but we want you to know who we are so that you can reach out to us if you have a need or questions, or an opportunity to work together."

Forr presented company slide images — one of which revealed the company's footprint across the Peach State.

"Georgia is one of our largest independent states that we cover," Forr said. "In Georgia, we've got 1,200 plus employees. We've got 20 employed in the Milledgeville area with two open positions, currently."

In recent years, the company has invested more than $500 million in the state in upgrades to its system, Fore said.

The company executive said investors have committed nearly $2 billion to Windstream over the next several years for fiber networks across the company's footprint.

"We currently have over 500,000, 25-mega-grader qualified locations across the state," Forr said. "Seven years ago that number was 2,500. So, in the last seven years, we've gone from 2,500 to a half-million — over a half-million 25 mega-grader or greater locations."

The company has increased its field operations with about 120 new hires in the last couple of years.

"And this year, we're expecting to add about another 160 headcount to field operations," Forr said. "We have a lot of positive momentum right now."

Fore also talked about the company's desire to partner with its communities.

"We really want you and the other communities we serve to know that we want to partner with you," he said.

Forr added that if there is an area within the community not being served, Windstream would be delighted to partner with them to get such done much quicker.

He talked about how Windstream has formed collaborative efforts with several other companies to work together in their mutual footprint to expedite broadband.

"We're very active at the state and federal level — working to get support to help us meet the rural needs of the footprint we serve," Forr said. "AT&T and Windstream are the largest in the state."
