Windows 8 games can easily be pirated through simple hacks

It was bound to happen. Nokia (NOK) engineer Justin Angel outlined on his blog various tactics that can be used to pirate Windows 8 games distributed through Microsoft (MSFT) Windows Store. While Angel doesn’t condone the circumvention, he points out that Windows 8 game developers stand to lose a large chunk of revenue because games account for over “51% of developer revenue on every mobile developer platform.” We won’t detail them here, but Angel essentially posts a step-by-step guide on how to compromise games to unlock in-app purchases, crack trial versions to full paid versions, remove in-app ads and reduce cost of in-app purchases. Angel concludes that Windows 8 games and apps can easily be cracked and Microsoft should be on alert to issue patch. It looks like Microsoft’s Windows team is headed for some sleepless nights.

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