Windows 8 is Coming, London Changing, and Building a Faster Internet

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 20 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: A review of Windows 8's new beta version. Plus, how smartphone operating systems have influenced Windows 8 and other desktop OSes.

Politics: The four Republicans who voted for gay marriage in New York State are now under re-election assault from their own party.

Opinion: Union organizing should be a civil right.

Books: Beautiful Thing, a new book about the Mumbai sex industry, will "break your heart several times over"

TV: A review of Awake, a TV show about a detective living two alternate realities that is "confusing, but artfully so."

Technology: Web engineers struggle to make the internet move faster, as slow-loading sites drive away users. Several sites and apps are trying to build "virtual closets" where users can "try on" clothes, get advice from others, and coordinate their outfits. A review of the Lytro camera which allows the photographer to take a picture quickly and then focus the image later on a computer.

Business: Wall Street bonuses are expected to dip 14 percent this year, even though revenues dropped 51 percent in 2011. Knowing how to use social media is becoming a skill that employers are starting to require.

Health: Sedentary lifestyles cause spikes in blood sugar after meals, which can lead to diabetes and heart problems in people who don't move around enough during the day.

Sunday Magazine: Two more stories about London — one about the dramatic physical and cultural changes taking place there ahead of the 2012 Olympics, another about the changing population — which is the theme of this week's issue.

Travel: How airline apps makes travel eaiser.

Obituaries: Davy Jones of the Monkees.

Photo Gallery of the Day: The aftermath of deadly storms in the Midwest.