Win "Coolest Mom in the World" By Putting Frozen Pizza Rolls In Your Ice Dispenser

From Woman's Day

If you're a fan of all things pizza, this genius hack is going to blow your mind: Instead of having to open your freezer to get pizza rolls, imagine a world where they could come out of the freezer via the ice dispenser. (Hear that? That's you winning the award for "Coolest Mom of the Year.")

That's what one man dreamed up when he was feeling extra hungry (and extra lazy). We know, we know: this seems pretty silly... but if we're being honest, it's making us wonder what else could go where ice normally goes: M&M's? Frozen fruit? The possibilities are endless.

If you're not sure how to make this hack work, all you have to do is dump the ice out of the ice bucket that's inside your freezer, and refill it with a bag of pizza rolls (or whatever else your heart desires).

Watch the amazing video above for your daily reminder that ice dispensers have new uses, too!

(h/t Thrillist)

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