Wild Greg's Saloon has been sued by eight people since 2016. Here are their claims

Alabama woman Carlie Reed filed a lawsuit against Wild Greg's Saloon and two of their security officers, alleging the guards tried photographing her exposed breasts after battering her in the bathroom.

Wild Greg's owner Greg Urban told the News Journal that he believes the lawsuit is payback after Pensacola police arrested Reed on Jun 9, the same day as her allegations of battery. Officers arrested her for battering one of the guards.

"I think (the lawsuit) is certainly retaliatory because she was arrested on a felony charge," Urban told the News Journal. "I certainly think that's probably what it is."

Wild Greg's Saloon and its employees have had prior run-ins with the law, including Urban as the owner, who was acquitted of resisting arrest without violence, but how many times has the downtown Pensacola bar been sued?

Here are four other times Wild Greg's has found itself in court since 2016.

Alabama man claims bouncers attacked him, leaving him scarred

In March 2023, Robert Palomino filed a lawsuit against Wild Greg's Saloon for a sum that exceeds $50,000, claiming the bar's bouncers attacked him after leaving the bathroom Dec. 11, 2022.

"At said time and place, while plaintiff was visiting defendant's premises, he was lawfully walking from the restrooms toward the front of the business and was physically attacked by the defendant's employees and bouncers, sustaining significant personal injuries," the lawsuit alleges.

The lawsuit claims that Wild Greg's negligently created a hazard to the public by "failing to maintain or adequately maintain the premises" and failing to follow its own corporate policies.

"As a direct and proximate result of the negligence of defendants, plaintiff suffered bodily injury resulting in pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, permanent and significant scarring, mental anguish ... and aggravation of previously existing condition," the lawsuit says.

Court records show Wild Greg's attorney submitted their defense to the allegations, saying that the injuries were not legally foreseeable.

New lawsuit: Woman charged for battering Wild Greg's security sues, claims they tried to photo her breasts

"The defendant states that the subject incident was unforeseeable to the defendant due to lack of notice regarding any alleged risk of harm prior to the incident," court records say.

The case is still ongoing.

Former bartender sues for unpaid wages

Former Wild Greg's bartender Michelle Riendeau sued Wild Greg's in October 2019 for a sum between $15,000 and $75,000 for alleging she was not paid for her time working on social media marketing for the bar.

The lawsuit alleges that Riendeau was not paid when she began working as the bar's social media marketer between February 2018 and July 2019, maintaining the Facebook page daily.

The suit also alleges owner Greg Urban also tasked her with editing security footage for police after an incident in 2018, and she spent over 60 hours reviewing the footage.

Riendeau voluntarily dismissed the case a year later in October 2020.

Bouncers enter plea: Wild Greg's manager and bouncer plead not guilty in alleged pepper spray assault

Pensacola men sue Wild Greg's and bouncer after alleged attack

James Danin, Brady Pitts, Cory Hicks and Christian Walker of Pensacola sued Wild Greg's and former bouncers Kurt Just and Kory Moegenburg in July 2018, citing they were "violently attacked" by security in May 2018.

Each man filed an individual lawsuit with claims the four men were denied access by a manager and called racial slurs. Afterward, Just and Moegenburg allegedly chased them.

"When on the sidewalk adjacent to South Palafox Street, defendant Just pepper-sprayed plaintiff in his eyes, face and body," the lawsuit says.

Just was arrested for this incident and pleaded no contest to misdemeanor battery. Adjudication was withheld and he was sentenced to 12 months probation.

Moegenburg was also charged with misdemeanor battery and completed a pretrial diversion program.

Urban fired Just and Moegenburg after the incident.

Danin and Pitts' lawsuits were settled, but Hicks and Walker dropped their lawsuits, according to court records.

Pensacola woman claims she passed out and Wild Greg's workers left her outside

In February 2016, Zoe Crandall was a patron at Wild Greg's and believes her drink was spiked causing her to pass out in the bathroom.

The lawsuit says Wild Greg's employees picked her up and dragged her across the bar and put her on a couch while waiting for medical personnel.

"Approximately five to 10 minutes later, the defendant's manager came up to the couch where the plaintiff was laying down (incapacitated) and demanded to his employees that they take (her) outside as 'she was a liability,'" the suit claims.

The employees then put her in a rolling chair and moved Crandall outside, which is when she fell out of the chair and hit the ground with her head, the suit claims.

The lawsuit alleges Wild Greg's "failed to protect the plaintiff" by moving her outside of the bar "which caused her to fall and injure herself."

The lawsuit was settled in September 2018, according to court records.

This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Wild Greg's Saloon in downtown Pensacola sued 8 times since 2016