Why We Unfriend People on Facebook

A newly release chart from Nielsen shows the most common reasons we friend -- and more importantly, unfriend -- people on Facebook. The No. 1 reason anyone sends anyone else a friend request is obvious: they know the person IRL. But our reasons for performing that online sacrilege that is unfriending are of course juicier. Most of those surveyed (55 percent) say they have unfriended someone because of "offensive comments" they have made, followed by not knowing the friend well enough at 44 percent. The most of rest of the reasons come down to our once online friends being just too damn annoying: "depressing comments," "trying to sell me something," "political comments," "don't like their friends,"  "update profile too often," etc etc. "Research suggests that real world interactions drive online friendships," writes Nielsen Media Research on its blog. But it's weird to assume otherwise. Yes, our online interactions are just as legit than those in fleshspace. Someone always being a Debby Downer, or having irritating friends, or incessantly politicizing have always been reasons for cutting a friendship. Now with Facebook there's a convenient catalogue of friends we can take people on and off of that surveyors can ask you about.

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