Find out why Polychain and FBG Invested in Origo Network

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / June 15, 2018 / .Recently, Origo successfully completed their private sale with several famous investors such as Polychain, FBG, Signum, Kenetic, 1kx and more. Origo is a blockchain start-up focusing on privacy preservation in smart contracts.

With digital data growing at a rapid pace, security has become a growing issue. Current blockchains' unprecedented transparency has made all transaction details for coins like Bitcoin and smart contract details for networks like Ethereum totally public and vulnerable to the entire network, resulting in potential data and financial losses and limiting real world use cases.

Origo is making an effort to explore technical solutions in order to protect privacy and develop a public blockchain, through complete privacy-preserving technology for smart contracts backed by a Double Advance Zero-Knowledge Proof System. Origo's Privacy Preserving Smart Contract Network provides a solution to execute smart contracts Privately, Securely and Correctly, which guarantees contract input, details of contract execution, contract output and transaction details to be private.

Why did these famous funds invest in Origo? We contacted two of the investors and got some answers:

"We are excited to support Origo and believe that technology to efficiently obfuscate smart contract steps is an important privacy component of the Web3 software stack. We've been impressed by the strong globally distributed technical team leading this project and we look forward to accelerate their growth through our support program PC-2030." Said Ryan Zurrer, Partner of Polychain Capital. Polychain Capital is the leading global institutional investor. Polychain's backers include top VCs like Andreessen Horowitz and leads investment in projects like DFINITY, Orchid Labs, MakerDao, Nucypher, Basis and Republic Protocol.

FBG Capital is one of the most well-known specialized organizations globally. FBG has supported over 70 projects in a wide range of frontier technologies, including Aelf, Zilliqa, Aeternity, Raiden, 0x, Kyber, Republic protocol, Nucypher, Polkadot, Omisego, and MakerDao.

Vincent Zhou, Founder of FBG Capital commented, "Origo is among the few exciting projects that tackle the privacy problem to help expand the use potential of blockchain technology. I like the well-balanced team, both in terms of technical as well as business development experience. I look forward to working with such a talented team to create more impact long term. "

Currently, Origo is working hard in the development process. According to its white paper, the testnet will be completed before the end of the year.

