Why Michelle Obama's Natural Hair Matters

Photo credit: Getty
Photo credit: Getty

From Cosmopolitan

Images of the Obamas after leaving the White House are like seeing pictures of your ex-partners living their best lives. Whether it’s footage of former President Barack Obama rocking his hat to the back, or former and forever first lady Michelle Obama sporting denim cutoff shorts, the photos show a comfort level and “everydayness” they couldn’t enjoy as first couple. While the Obamas will never be “just like everyone else,” they seem committed to some sense of normalcy and privacy for their family.

The internet response to a recent photo of Michelle Obama sporting her naturally textured hair, however, proves just how much those everyday, seemingly off-guard moments matter. Despite her status as one of the most influential and recognizable black women in the world, the image and society’s reaction to it highlight that the way black women present themselves is still a battleground filled with land mines and potential consequences.

There’s no written rule for how a first lady can wear her hair - in fact, one could argue that Obama’s FLOTUS status afforded her the chance to challenge notions of professionalism being linked with narrow, whitewashed beauty standards. But that argument falls flat in the face of a long history of devaluing the curly and kinky hair of many black women. Black women intimately and painfully know that quite often in predominantly white public spaces, curly or kinky black hair can incite fascination, curiosity, or disgust. In certain settings, such as corporate offices or the military, hairstyles such as afros, cornrows, two-strand twists, or locs are labeled unprofessional or even inappropriate.

Beyond that, people often associate particular politics with black women who sport un-straightened hair. Afros still resonate as a symbol of black militancy, black nationalism, and black pride - regardless of the intention of the person with the afro. When attempting to “poke fun” at the attacks on the Obamas during the 2008 presidential race, the New Yorker recklessly depicted Michelle Obama as a gun-slinging militant, fist-bumping her equally militant husband. The controversial cover also conveyed her “militancy” by showing her with an afro, revealing a continued uneasiness with high-profile black women rocking their natural hair.

As more and more black women stop relaxing or straightening their hair and start challenging longstanding workplace biases against women with curly or kinky hair, it means something to see the former first lady’s natural look. The image went viral because many black women do not see themselves - and, more specifically, their hair textures - celebrated and affirmed in mainstream media. They patiently awaited the moment the first black first lady would show the world what black women already knew: Curly and kinky hair is beautiful too.

Some black women thought we would never get that image, because it didn’t happen during the Obama presidency. In 2012, an image of Michelle Obama with curly hair went viral, but it turned out to be Photoshopped. Although the former FLOTUS stopped using relaxer during her first year in the White House, she and her hairstylist still styled her hair - sometimes straight, sometimes not - using non-chemical techniques. Over the course of her term, she tried a range of hairstyles, from updos to sleek bobs, but the public didn’t see her hair in its curly or kinky state in formal or informal settings.

While it’s possible the former FLOTUS simply preferred the texture and flexibility of her straightened natural hair, the constraints of first ladyhood, and the pressure to be likable and legible to white America, probably played a role in her choices. Even though she spoke candidly about her experiences with racist and sexist stereotypes about black women, she chose not to subject her hair to scrutiny.

In 2017, it shouldn’t be a big deal when high-profile black women rock their naturally curly or kinky hair, but unfortunately it will be until negative stereotypes are stamped out - which is why it’s so important to see women like Michelle Obama with curly or kinky hair. The former and forever first lady continues to serve as an inspiration to many. For young black girls in particular, seeing praise for Michelle Obama’s hair just might encourage them to embrace their natural look unapologetically.

One unplanned picture of Michelle Obama’s natural hair may not be the biggest deal, but black girls affirming the beauty of their hair textures is.

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