Why Mark Wahlberg wants to make movies the 'whole entire family can see'

Mark Wahlberg is proud of the movies he's appearing in these days. The 52-year-old actor is definitely in his family-friendly era (“The Family Plan,” “Uncharted”), embracing getting older and the roles that come with it. This trend continues with “Arthur the King, a true-life adventure film premiering on March 15. "You know, I do enjoy doing things that the whole entire family can see. Look, I'm 52 years old now. I'm a dad of four. I've got a kid in college," he tells Yahoo Entertainment’s Taryn Ryder.

Video Transcript

TARYN RYDER: Are "Boogie Nights" days behind you and kind of more family friendly content what you're about now a little bit?

MARK WAHLBERG: Listen, if the right script comes, I don't rule anything out. But you know, I do enjoy doing things that the whole entire family can see. And look, I'm 52 years old now. I'm a dad of four. I've got a kid in college. I like playing age appropriate roles as well. I think a lot of people don't embrace that. And you know, audiences are like, well, this doesn't seem real or-- both the guy and the gal kind of being in the same age bracket. There's many different things that I think audiences frown upon. And I want to do things that are believable and realistic.

TARYN RYDER: It's been 30 years since you did your first movie. As a veteran in this industry, what is your rose and thorn since crossing over into acting?

MARK WAHLBERG: Well, the rose is that I still get an opportunity to do something that I love, that I really found my niche. And the thorn is that I have to leave my family for long periods of time to be able to do what I do. That's the sacrifice. That's always been the sacrifice and the most difficult part.