Why Hilaria Baldwin Is Opening Up About Her Very Serious Eating Disorder

Hilaria Baldwin is known for living a holistic lifestyle, posting some very impossible-looking yoga poses on social media and being married to Alec. The 33-year-old, mother-of-three makes it look easy, but as she’s sharing in her just-released, very-refreshing first book, The Living Clearly Method, it hasn’t always been that simple to remain centered.

On her decision to write a book…
“I’m very passionate about what I teach to my students and what I practice in my own life. A book was a chance to bring that to a larger group of people. It will hopefully make lives better.”

On meditating…
“I wouldn’t say I meditate the way you would think of ‘meditation.’ I don’t have that ability with three children and a crazy, crazy, crazy life. But I do meditate in terms of ‘checking in’—it’s important to do that when you are moving a million miles an hour and everything feels like chaos.”

On making “me time”…
“I wish I had time to go to the spa. Every once in a while, I’ll go to the nail salon around the corner from my house and get a massage with my pedicure. This year, one of my resolutions is to do more of that. With three little kids, it’s easy to lose yourself.”

On what “healthy” means to her…
“I started yoga 13 years ago and that brought me into a different space. I always thought I was ‘healthy’ because I was a dancer and I was a gymnast and I was thin and I ate a lot of kale, but it wasn’t until I started doing yoga that I realized how unhealthy I actually was. I definitely was not doing very well for myself—I was struggling with an eating disorder. Over the past decade, I’ve gotten into a place where I truly feel like now I know what it means to be healthy, but it was definitely a process.”

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On overcoming her eating disorder…
“I’m a big believer in being able to get over something. A lot of people say, ‘Once you’re this, you’re always this.’ I believe in leaving things in the past—getting over something and moving on. I think I’m at a really great place with eating right now. I had a scone for breakfast—that’s something I would have never, ever eaten in the past. I’ve been able to find that balance.”

On getting into gear in the new year…
“People are so into ‘New Year, New You’…and that usually lasts until Valentine’s Day. Then they come back around for bathing suit season, then they drink too much Rosé over the summer and then they come back in September and go away during the holidays. We get ourselves in such a state of not ‘feeling good.' How do we fix it? The hardest thing is to start. If you force yourself to do something healthy for an even relatively short period of time, you’ll get yourself into a habit. You’ll start to not feel so great when you don’t work out or when you eat badly. You have to get into the right mindset and the right routine.”

On her favorite beauty products…
“I’m use a mix of mainstream and 'Kumbaya' products. I like EltaMD moisturizer. I love Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara—I don’t know about that name but it is good mascara. I love the Body Shop products too; they’re very mindful products. They smell amazing. I get them for my kids as well.”