Why did Dallas-Fort Worth get so much fog this morning? Here’s when it goes away

Most of North Texas is experiencing dense fog on Monday morning, with visibility around one quarter mile or less.

After several days of rainfall in North Texas, the moisture and cool air mixes to create fog, said Jason Dunn, meteorologist at the National Weather Service’s Fort Worth office.

While the NWS has a dense fog advisory in place Monday morning, Dunn said the fog will dissipate in the next couple hours as the temperature heats up. Most of the Metroplex will see highs in the low 80s over the rest of Monday.

Fog can be dangerous to drivers on roadways. Here’s a few tips from the NWS on driving in fog:

  • Slow down — Drive slow on roadways to accommodate for the weather.

  • Leave early — Make sure to factor in extra time on the road for any weather delays.

  • Turn on lights — Use low beams headlights to pierce through foggy conditions. Don’t use high beams, as light will bounce off fog and hinder drivers.

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