Why do cockroaches go inside California homes during the summer? Here’s how to stop them

Summer is approaching in California, and you may start to spot insects crawling outside — and inside your home.

Insects such as cockroaches thrive in warm environments, so they tend to more prevalent during the spring and summer months as the weather heats up, according to the National Center for Healthy Housing, a nonprofit based in Maryland that provides research-based tips to create healthy homes.

Spotting roaches in of your home is less than desirable.

Thankfully, pest experts say there are ways to prevent the bugs from making their way inside.

What kinds of cockroaches are common in the US?

In the United States, there are five common roach species, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Those are German, brown banded, American, Asian and smokey-brown cockroaches.

Cockroaches are more prevalent in the spring and summer in California.
Cockroaches are more prevalent in the spring and summer in California.

Why do cockroaches go inside homes?

There is a common misconception that cockroaches usually go into homes that are dirty, but that isn’t always the case.

On the contrary, cockroaches tend to go into people’s homes because they’re looking for water, said Lynn Kimsey, emeritus professor of entomology at UC Davis.

“They just happen to make a mistake,” she said about the bugs.

Any home can have cockroaches, according to the National Center for Healthy Housing.

Food and moisture tend to attract the bugs to homes.

Cockroaches are often seen in bathrooms and kitchens.
Cockroaches are often seen in bathrooms and kitchens.

Where are you most likely to spot roaches?

Cockroaches are often seen in bathrooms or kitchens due to the accessibility to food and moisture from plumbing, according to the National Center for Healthy Housing.

The pests tend to hide in dark, moist places and can be found behind refrigerators, in kitchen appliances and the undersides of furniture, according to the University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program.

If a few roaches find their way into your house or apartment, you shouldn’t panic, Kimsey said.

“They don’t cause any problems at all,” she said. “To get an infestation of one of the true pest roaches, you’ve got to have a pretty awful situation going on.”

A German cockroach, the most common roach.
A German cockroach, the most common roach.

How can I keep pests out of my house?

Maintenance and cleanliness of the home are important in helping to keep insects out of your house.

Below are tips to keep cockroaches away from the National Center for Healthy Housing:

  • After eating and cooking a meal, wipe off counters, stovetops and tables.

  • Don’t allow trash to accumulate in your home and keep garbage and food tightly sealed.

  • Don’t leave dirty dishes overnight.

  • If you notice a leaky faucet, pipe or toilet in your home, get it fixed immediately.

  • Remove clutter from around your home as it can be used as hiding places for pests.

  • Remove any piles of cardboard or newspapers; insects can feed off of them.

  • Caulk any cracks and crevices inside and throughout your home.

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