White House Yet To Name Perpetrator Of Bulgaria Terror Attack

The White House says it has not yet confirmed who was behind Wednesday’s terrorist attack on Israeli tourists in Bulgaria.

“We don't have any confirmation yet. We are working to assess the facts and, with our partners, to discover who was responsible,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said on Friday. “It is certainly the case that Hezbollah and Iran have been bad actors, as a general matter. But we're not, at this point, in a position to make a statement about responsibility.”

American officials have identified the suicide bomber responsible for the attack as a member of a Hezbollah cell, according to the New York Times. The guidance to “hit Israeli targets when opportunities presented themselves…had been given to Hezbollah, a Lebanese military group, by Iran, its primary sponsor,” the Times reported, citing an American official.

President Obama called the prime minister of Bulgaria on Friday morning, Carney said.