Where Is the Public on Energy and Climate Policy?

What do people throughout the United States think about energy and climate-change policies?

The Pew Research Center finds that more people acknowledge climate change is real, but it regularly ranks at the bottom of people's priority lists. The center also finds that the public generally supports more production of all kinds of energy, including fossil fuels and renewables. Various polls conducted by interest groups have found survey results that differ quite a lot from Pew's polling. Indeed, polls can often produce a wide array of results depending on how questions are framed.

What polling have you seen or conducted that offers a perspective on these issues? Does the public support or oppose a tax on carbon emissions or gasoline? What other energy and climate issues has the public taken positions on, according to the latest polling?

What factors, including geographical, political, and economic, go into the position a person takes on energy and climate issues? What kind of influence should public polling have on the policies Washington's decision-makers are crafting?

How do Americans' views on energy production and climate change differ from those around the world? Is this distinction important, and why or why not?