Where is the 13-foot cat-eating South OKC trailer park python?

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. (KFOR) – A nearly week-long delay has caused the location of a 13-foot albino trailer park cat-eating python in a South Oklahoma City trailer park to be unknown according to the expert hired to catch it.

Trevor Bounds of Red Beards Wildlife Solutions was delayed in being hired by the management until Friday so, he said the snake has been lost again.

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It’s been nearly two weeks since KFOR originally reported on the snake lost somewhere in the community of Burntwood mobile home park.

The park’s management company Yes! Communities have not responded to comments from KFOR.

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Park management had told residents that they were not to talk to media/news about the python problem. Despite fearing eviction, some residents did speak with KFOR and said that management had known about the snake since June but didn’t do anything about it.

One resident who wanted to remain anonymous said that he feared for his 2-year-old daughter with the snake slithering around.

Python in OKC trailer park.
Python in OKC trailer park.

When Bounds made the trip out to the park last week he said that he was able to find the snake under one specific home but now he doesn’t know where it’s gone to.

But Bounds said that he has cameras set up as of Friday and that it’s only a matter of time. So far the cameras have caught possums, rats, and more animals but no snake yet.

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It became a concern to many as Bryant Elementary School is located next to the trailer park with a giant gap in a gate separating the snake’s home from kids playing outside.

Bounds told KFOR that with the colder weather approaching it should push the snake out in the open which would make it easier to trap.

Previously, the plan was to keep it under one of the homes and contain it there with a trap and 24/7 cameras. Eventually, Bounds said that the snake would come out and the trap would keep it contained.

Now he said the plan is to find it first and then get it out of the community.

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