What's a Lax Bro? Don't Ask a Lax Bro

Boston Globe reporter Jenifer McKim's oddly scientific article on "lax bros" is (intentionally?) funny because she strikes the tone of an enthused but non-native anthropologist, something of a Crocodile Dundee observing a rare beast. "It is easy to spot them. Lax bros display a certain understated confidence that critics call arrogance," she writes, listing all sorts of stereotypes that ring true. But how did she learn all this? Certainly not from the bros she interviewed. Our favorite part of the piece is that the quotes the "bros" give her are incredibly unhelpful. Here's a sampling:

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Lax Bro 1: "You have to have a lot of the stuff, wear it a lot of the time."

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Lax Bro 2: "It is someone who likes to wear all the lacrosse stuff wherever they are and talks about lacrosse all the time."

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Lax Bro 3: "Someone who plays a lot of lacrosse, enjoys hanging out, being sort of lackadaisical ... Everyone has their own opinion of a lax bro. That is mine."

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Okay so that's not ... very rich in detail. Luckily, McKim's piece is, probably because she has eyes, or she reads Urban Dictionary. She offers all sorts of specific, accurate signs of a lax bro from the "lettuce" hair to the flat-brimmed hat to the O.A.R. fandom. So even though she strikes the tone of, well, a business section newspaper reporter, we get the sense she knows what she's got: comedy gold.