West Bloomfield students released from schools amid suspected threat, classes go virtual

West Bloomfield police, in conjunction with county law enforcement officials, are continuing to investigate a threat of violence toward West Bloomfield schools Monday.

Two juveniles who shared the threatening social media post were interviewed by detectives Monday afternoon, but police have yet to identify the original creator of the post, Deputy Chief Curt Lawson said.

Lawson said police were notified of the threat around 7:40 a.m. Monday by district administrators who had become aware of a post circulating on social media that said, "Warning: I'm coming to shoot up West Bloomfield tomorrow, I'm coming for Oakside and some more schools."

In the morning, district administrators said that because they could not confirm or deny the credibility of the threat, students would be released from West Bloomfield High School and classes were canceled for other schools in the district. The student release came nearly two hours after a lockdown was imposed on three school buildings, prohibiting people from entering or leaving.

Further, classes will be held virtually through the rest of the week, "due to potential ongoing threats and heightened stress levels," an email to parents Monday afternoon reads. Regular, in-person classes will resume after holiday break on Jan. 3.

"We're taking all of these threats very seriously," Lawson said. "We will have an absolutely zero-tolerance policy toward any threats toward students or staff in any of our schools."

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When the person behind Monday's threat is identified, this will be West Bloomfield's third threat forwarded to probate court for possible charges, Lawson said.

"There's a palpable sense of anxiety; (these threats) are causing stress and they need to stop," Lawson said.

The district's high school, middle school and the West Bloomfield Transition Center were in a lockdown early Monday morning, and parents were advised to not come to pick up their children until the threat was cleared. During the lockdown, students were not changing classrooms or allowed in or out of the building.

Three elementary schools — Roosevelt, Scotch and Gretchko — were not yet in session and classes were canceled before students arrived. However, at Shieko and Doherty elementary schools, students had already begun arriving and were under lockdown once in the building.

The investigation into Monday's threat is ongoing, according to law enforcement officials.

Contact Miriam Marini: mmarini@freepress.com

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: West Bloomfield students released from schools amid suspected threat