Wes Anderson's Outdoor Adventure

The Call Sheet sifts through the day's glut of Hollywood news to find the stories even non-industry types care about. Today: A first glimpse at Wes Anderson's new movie, Moonrise Kingdom, Showtime tries to go highbrow, and photos of near-naked men.

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Here's a trailer for beloved indie auteur Wes Anderson's next film, Moonrise Kingdom, about two kids who run off into the wilderness to do... Well, who knows. We'll have to watch to find out. While the movie stars two kids, Anderson has once again assembled a bevy grownup of celebrities to play roles. His usuals Jason Schwartzman and Bill Murray are in there, and he's added Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand, Edward Norton, and Bruce Willis of all people to his company. We're particularly excited about Willis, who doesn't get to do nearly enough of the smarter, less-actiony stuff that he's actually really good at. (He's obviously great at the dumber, more actiony stuff too. He's just good in general!) It's a little disappointing that this looks like sort of a children's movie, since he already did one of those with Fantastic Mr. Fox, but oh well. We're sure it will be weird and silly but ultimately wistful and poignant, as most of his movies are. Guys, Wes Anderson is back! Doing live-action! It's like it's 2001 all over again. Sigh.

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Showtime was up at bat for the TCAs panel today, and the premium network's president announced that they're starting a new documentary initiative. Oh- [snicker] are they now? And what, pray tell, does a Showtime documentary look like? "Yeah, this story about migrant workers is interesting, but is there any way we can add a quirky white lady to it? Or what about people in period costume graphically humping each other? Is any of that possible? You know what, let's go with the quirky white lady on this one — maybe she, I dunno, is a secret hoarder or something — and we'll add the old-timey f--king to this documentary about the Pentagon Papers. Did they ever wear crowns back then?" [Deadline]

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The other Showtime news is that apparently [OH, SPOILER ALERT] the whole gross soul-destroying Deb-Dexter thing has been planned for a long time. So these sick perverts knew they were going to make brudder and sistuh fall in sex-love with each other for a while. They've been thinking about it, if you get our meaning, for some time now. Gross, guys! Gross on you! Grosser still that Jennifer Carpenter and Michael C. Hall have actually done it in real life but aren't doing it anymore and now have to do it, as brother and sister, on the show. Everyone over there is gross! Every one of you. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. [EW]

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While we're on the topic of gross things, make sure the kids are out of the room before you scroll down any further. Because down below are two gross pictures from Steven Soderbergh's upcoming gross movie about gross male strippers, Magic Mike. These dudes are hardly even wearing any clothes! Gross! Why would anyone want to look at that? Some people are weird. It's probably all the gross Showtime people drooling at these pictures and imagining that they're brother and sister. Gross, everybody. It's all just too, too gross. [gurgle] [EW]

Also sex-related: The movie spin-off of the popular British teens series The Inbetweeners has found an American distributor, which will release it in the States this spring. That is great news! Inbetweeners is a very funny show — horrifyingly filthy in a way that American Pie could only dream of — but charmingly so because everyone's British. Watch the show and then go watch the movie and laugh and laugh every time they say "clunge." [THR]

James Franco has signed on to play photographer Robert Mapplethorpe in a new biopic. Mapplethorpe was the famous New York photographer who dated Patti Smith, took scandalizing homoerotic photos, and died of AIDS in 1989. So everyone will probably be all "Oh, there's weird James Franco being sexually ambiguous and weird again." And yes, James Franco is a weird guy, who does weird things, but the gay (or not) aspect of this thing is in no way the weird part here. The weird part is this: "Timoner will also produce the project with Nate Dushku, Miles Levy and Eliza Dushku." WHOA. Forget the three million graduate degrees he got one year, forget dressing in drag on a random magazine cover for seemingly no reason, forget directing naked gay basketball movies. James Franco is in a movie that Eliza Dushku is producing and that, dear friends, is the weirdest thing he's ever done. Case closed. [THR]

Here's a trailer for the upcoming comedy Friends with Kids, the new movie from Kissing Jessica Stein writer/director/star Jessica Westfeldt. Sure she probably traded on the success of that movie to get the impressive comedy cast she did — Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig, Adam Scott, Ed Burns — but it probably also helped that her mainsqueeze Jon Hamm was able to place a call to some of his comedy pals. Anyway, it doesn't matter how it happened, just that it happened. And it looks cute! It looks just that: cute. Which isn't a bad thing.