The Weirdest Thing About MG Siegler's New Job Isn't How Unethical It Is

The most shocking part of today's news that popular TechCrunch blogger and noted Apple fanboy MG Siegler now works for Google Ventures—the start-up funding arm of Google—isn't the potential conflict of interest in writing about and investing in start-ups. It's the conflict deep inside his mind.

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See, Siegler was already straddling the blogger/investor line as both a TechCrunch writer and a partner at CrunchFund, the VC fund started by fellow blogger-without-morals Michael Arrington. In fact, Arrington got booted from TechCrunch, which he founded, because of his relationship to CrunchFund, which he also founded, but which is an independent firm from TechCrunch, if not exactly in name. Siegler, however, has continued posting over at TechCrunch and on his personal blog Paris Lemon. And don't you worry, none of that will change as he makes the move to Google. "As for my writing… I wouldn’t expect much to change. I'll still be writing columns for TechCrunch and I’ll still be writing here and elsewhere as time permits," he assures in this announcement post post over at his site. 

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The more surprising part of the news, then, is that Siegler would deign to work for Google after writing so unabashedly in favor of Apple all these years. He loves all things Apple, and he's written his fair share of harsh things about Google at TechCrunch. "Android, on the other hand, started out as sort of a nightmare," he wrote in a positive review of the Android based Facebook phone. Even Siegler admits this is a new step for him. "Yes, they're letting an Apple fanatic into the building — wild, I know," he writes. "Don't worry, I'm bringing my iPhone with me."