Love Trivia? Love GIFs? Then play our Friday GIF Trivia!

Welcome to your Weekly GIF Quiz, where you can test your knowledge of the week's news, and also look at a bunch of GIFs. Answers are below. No peeking!


For five points, what phone carrier unveiled it's Just Upgrade My Phone (JUMP) program this week, in an effort to increase its customer base?

For ten points, that company's new spokesman is comedian Bill Hader, who replaces a popular spokeswoman who often wore pink dresses in the carrier's commercials. What was that spokeswoman's first name?

For fifteen points, what is the name of this company's occasionally profane, outspoken CEO, who also just joined Twitter this week?


For five points, what former New York Governor announced his candidacy for City Comptroller earlier this week?

For ten points, what was the name of the governor's Lieutenant Governor, who took over when his boss resigned and became America's second legally blind state governor?

For fifteen points, what is the name of the Academy Award-winning documentary director who directed a movie about the former Governor called "Client 9," as well as "We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks" and "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room"?


For five points,
the annual Running of the Bulls commenced this week in what European nation?

For ten points, what American writer ran with the bulls in 1924 and later described the spectacle in his novel The Sun Also Rises?

For fifteen points, the Running of the Bulls traditionally honors which patron saint of Navarre?


For five points, this is a scene from what horror movie, which premiered on the SyFy channel Thursday night to much Twitter reaction?

For ten points, the SyFy Channel used to be called the Sci-Fi channel until a name change in 2009. Which television host gave SyFy a "tip of the hat" on his show for "spelling the name the way it's pronounced"?

For fifteen points, the movie co-starred actor John Heard, who played Macaulay Culkin's father in the Home Alone movies. What was Heard's character's name in those movies?


For five points
, what Texas governor (pictured above) announced he would not run for re-election this week?

For ten points, the Governor won his second term in 2010 by defeating Bill White, Mayor of which Texas town?

For fifteen points, Perry is arguably most famous nationally for a gaffe in the Republican Presidential Debate, after saying he would eliminate three government agencies, naming two, and then forgetting the third. What were the first two agencies he said he would eliminate?


For five points
, this is the Lumia 1020, the newest smartphone from which embattled cell phone maker?

For ten points, the Lumia 1020 runs which mobile operating system, which has fought to gain market share against competitors Android and iOS?

For fifteen points, there was a minor scandal when it was revealed in 2011 that "Lumia" is slang in Spanish for what?


For five points, this is President Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security, who just resigned on Friday. What's her name?

For ten points, the Secretary resigned to become President of what American university?

For fifteen points, the Secretary was the former Governor of Arizona, before she was tapped by Obama as head of the DHS. Which fellow former Governor of Arizona served as Bill Clinton's Secretary of the Interior?

Answers below.


A) T-Mobile (5 points)
B) Carly [Foulkes] (10 points)
C) John Legere (15 points)

You can read more about T-Mobile's intriguing new smartphone plans here.


A) Eliot Spitzer (5 points)
B) David Patterson (10 points)
C) Alex Gibney (15 points)

Holly Bailey has been reporting on the Spitzer campaign here.


A) Spain (5 points)
B) Ernest Hemingway (10 points)
C) Saint Fermin (15 points)

You can read more about the Running of the Bulls, which has resulted in several injuries so far, here.


A) Sharknado (5 points)
B) Stephen Colbert (10 points)
C) Peter Macallister (15 points)

You can read more about the Sharknado phenomenon here


A) Rick Perry (5 points)
B) Houston (10 points)
C) Commerce, Energy (15 points)

Chris Moody reported on Rick Perry's huge announcement here.


A) Nokia (5 points)
B) Windows Phone (10 points)
C) "Prostitute" [accept equivalents](15 points)

You can read more about Nokia's new 41-megapixel smartphone here.


A) Janet Napolitano (5 points)
B) University of California (10 points)
C) Bruce Babbitt (15 points)

Olivier Knox reports on Napolitano's resignation here