Weekly Forecast: 24th Jan to 30th Jan 2016

Aquarius, this looks set to be a good week for most of you, what with Mercury turning direct. There is also a strong possibility of a financial windfall at the beginning of the week. You can now fulfill your dream of achieving vertical growth in your business.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : The good news this week is about Mercury turning direct, from Tuesday onwards. You may now look forward to implementing some of your plans. Also, remember the lessons learnt during the retrogression of Mercury, and act accordingly. Haste and unnecessary restlessness won’t take you far, says Ganesha. The movement of the Moon, during this week, does not sound encouraging. Ones who are in a job may be assigned some difficult projects. You might also have to work extra hours to complete an assigned project. Business persons may have a tough time meeting the demands of some high worth customers. Anyway, try and tactfully handle the situation, whatever it may be. Minor health issues may bother you. Take precautions, as some infections are indicated, specifically if your immunity is low. Avoid making major commitments in matters related to finance. Around midweek, you may remain busy attending to a few domestic issues. Venus shifting to Capricorn, the 10th place from your Sign, sounds well for your financial health. You will also experience the other positive influences of Venus, in the following week, assures Ganesha,

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : Since the ruler of your Sign Venus has come out of its association with the transiting Saturn, your focus shall now shift towards luxuries and comforts of life. You may be filled with an urge to redecorate your surroundings. Also, as Moon shall now be transiting through the House concerning domestic matters, issues related to home domain may take the centre-stage. Around mid-week, you may look to make a quick buck. However, the current planetary configurations are not favourable for monetary gains, through speculation of any kind, says Ganesha. Nonetheless, the good news is that Mercury turned direct, around the week’s beginning. And, with both Mercury and Venus transiting through the House related to fortune (9th Sign from your own Sign), good opportunities for monetary gains are likely to emerge. Explore newer avenues, suggest Ganesha. Business persons will hear encouraging news from outstation customers. It would also be worthwhile to revive some old contacts, suggests Ganesha. Professionals will need to toil more to meet the looming deadlines. Happily, there is a strong possibility of your hard work being rewarded.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Happy tidings are in store for you, as the ruler of your Sign Mercury goes direct in motion, this week. Powerful progressive forces shall now come into play. For professionals, overall conditions shall get better. They shall be able to perform with greater efficiency, as many encumbrances may reduce. This should make your bosses happy. Businessmen can look forward to resolving some pending issues. Also, it shall be a good time to strike profitable deals. However, recovering dues may remain an uphill task. A regular follow up could help matters, suggests Ganesha. Watch out for relationships, in general, as they could still be in the doldrums. You could be in for rude shock, given the unbecoming conduct of someone close, now. Take care! Planetary positions indicate that you need to be careful and watchful against viral infections. Take preventive steps promptly. With gainful times having commenced, you will now start feeling easy on the financial front as well, assures Ganesha.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : Your week may, most likely, start with some stress and anxiety, caused by some disturbances on the family front. However, try not to lose your sleep. The situation will ease out within days, as you will diplomatically nip prickly issues in the bud. You will then be able to focus on other important issues, like finance and occupation. Good times shall begin with Mercury going direct in motion, mid-week. Now progressive forces are to commence working effectively. Both professionals and businessmen can now look forward to striking profitable deals. Those handling offshore projects or ones involved in communications/ networking systems, in particular, will reap rich dividends, thanks to Mercury becoming direct. Fresh investments in safe avenues can now be contemplated. Those holding jobs should expect a smooth ride, later this week, though additional responsibilities are likely to come your way. Rise up to the occasion, do your best and rewards will follow, says Ganesha. You may, however, fall prey to some health issue. Take great care, so that it does not escalate.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : It is time to introspect! With Moon transiting through your Sign, you will be lead to a lot of soul-searching and anxious evaluation of your emotions and motives. But, you may not reach any valid conclusion, as yet. On Tuesday, Mercury becomes direct in, which will give a boost to your self esteem and finances. You may be required to make some compromises, not necessarily to your liking. Avoid short-cuts, at all costs. This piece of Ganesha’s advice applies both to professionals and businessmen. Overall, things may get easier for the professionals. No sudden bumps. No nagging bosses. You may come across a long term project that will give you peace of mind. It may also enhance your reputation as a resourceful person, who can be trusted to handle complex task. The business-persons will still need to be pretty careful. The payments you receive now may not be 100 % satisfactory. Never mind that! Continue unabated.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : You look set to start the week, under the influence of Moon. With Moon transiting through your Sign, you shall be quite thoughtful now. This will give you a plenty of confidence, and you will be induced to assert yourself and seek recognition for your accomplishments. But, do not get belligerent. Pay heed to the suggestions of people around you. It will give you a realistic understanding of your own ideas, actions and decisions. In order to strike big at work or business, understand that what you need is a competent team. After all, you can’t do everything on your own. Th ruler of your Sign Mercury becomes direct from Tuesday. The energy of Mercury, transiting in direct motion, ushers in progressive forces. This will help you further. Ganesha feels you need to hone your leadership qualities. Be sympathetic towards other people’s shortcomings, and be willing to lend your support and guidance. With wily Saturn influencing your Sign, you shall need to equip yourself well to understand the intricacies of any new task you take up. Superficial approach will NOT do! You will need to follow your intuitions to analyse and achieve success in your field, whether in a job or in a business. Short term travel will bear good results. However, keep cool while driving.

Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : Your close network and your relationships shall take the centre-stage, this week. You should feel upbeat now, as your lucky star Mercury turns direct on Tuesday. Now you will be more confident about initiating action, which shall help you move ahead. Those holding jobs will continue experiencing some roadblocks at work, though. Some disturbance or the other may pose constraints, holding you back from giving your best performance. You may also need to work over-time to meet the scheduled deadlines. For businessmen and professionals, these shall be sunny days, thanks to Mercury. However, be careful, while dealing with MNCs or overseas companies. Read the fine print carefully, and keep everything free of ambiguity. Overall, there will be fewer glitches in the routine tasks. With Jupiter in retrograde mode, though, your health shall need to be guarded well. Even a minor issue, if neglected, can take alarming proportions, warns Ganesha. Remember retrograde planets do no favour good health.

Scorpio ( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : Work matters fill your mind and plate, as the week begins. From Tuesday, though, things begin to straighten out with Mercury becoming direct in its movement. Differences that may have been simmering for some time in a close relationship shall now get resolved. This will comfort you and allow you to focus on other relevant issues. Matters related to your job and office may still keep you busy, but you won’t resent them. Except for the salaried professionals, however, financially things may remain hard for most people, including freelancers and business-people. Saturn transiting through the House indicative of finances, nonetheless, will hone your skills for handling money. You will now exercise checks and controls on your spending. This will help you gradually build your savings, thus giving you financial stability. On the family front, there may be a few disgruntled members to cope with and calm down. Thankfully, no complains are foreseen on the health front, assures Ganesha.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : With the Moon transiting through the 9th House from your Sign, this week you will be keen to take a break, and visit a faraway place to regain your peace of mind. Overall too, you may be feeling relaxed, even when things around you may be in a state of flurry. Your financial position will get a shot in the arm with the planetary transits. Mercury, in particular, will help your cause. With the Sun now in Aquarius, it will be safer to experiment with new ideas, which will herald your progress. However, with both Mars and Saturn influencing the transiting Sun, you may find it hard to keep your cool or even think clearly. There may be times, when you may want to dump everything and just enjoy the tranquil moments with near and dear ones. But, with Saturn transiting through your Sign, chances of getting free from everything seem remote. Instead, you may get busier with work. As far as your health is concerned, viral infections may cause concern. Respiratory ailments too will need immediate treatment. Take care!

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : Venus, the planet of love, is considered the most favourable planet of your Sign. As it transits through your Sign this week, it seems to be drumming-up support for your progress, on all fronts of life. For starters, it will enable you to organise your routine work effectively, letting you improve output. Businessmen can look forward to striking good profitable deals. Mercury getting direct around Tuesday will further support your cause. Those with jobs shall start feeling relieved. According to Ganesha, you will be more focused and your performance will garner appreciation. Your higher ups will appreciate a change in your personality. Those who are married will be in good spirits, especially because they may receive some valuable gift from their in-laws. Overall, the marital life looks set to be blissful this week. The only glimmer of anxiety may be over the progress of your child, if you are a parent. But this too will come under control soon. Relax!

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : This looks set to be a good week for most of you, what with Mercury turning direct. Businessmen may now start implementing plans for development and signing new deals. There is also a strong possibility of a financial windfall at the beginning of the week. You can now fulfill your dream of achieving vertical growth in your business. This is to act as a morale booster for you. However, some distractions may hinder your overall progress. Be prepared! Professionals will now be able to able to take up long term projects that will keep them busy. All in all, though, you can expect better times. Your boss and peers will be cooperative, which shall increase your confidence and efficiency. The biggest bonus of the week comes with the fact that you shall see a definitive improvement in your health. Planets bode no aches, pains, infections or complications on the health front. You shall be in good spirits and good health. Concentrate on having the time of your life, says Ganesha.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : Unlike the high spirited beginning of the last week, there may be a relative lull as this week begins. You will continue to keep your eyes on the horizon for any development. The good news is that Mercury is becoming direct in its movement now. This planetary transit reduces risks for trade and commerce, as well as facilitates communication and networking tasks. According to Ganesha, businessmen can now safely make plans to increase turnover and boost earnings. Fresh investments can be undertaken. Manufacturers can step up capacity. Professionals, too, have it good in this phase. They will receive some well paying long term project. Some new meaningful alliance will help enhance your prospects in your field. However, those dealing with offshore clients still need to be wary. In marriage, you will find your spouse being more responsive and attentive to your needs. As for those who are in a relationship, you may want to take it to the next level and get married.