Weekly Forecast: 13th Dec to 19th Dec 2015

Sagittarius, too busy at office, you may hardly find time for your spouse; fortunately, your considerate partner shall not complain. Lucky you! In financial matters, instead of going by your instincts, you need to use your grey matter while taking important decisions.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : Ganesha advises you to learn the art of combining multitasking and prioritising because this week you may be loaded with a number of tasks and they all need to be completed within a short deadline. Moreover, health issues may keep you away from work for some time and this may add to the pressure. A practical approach is essential here. If you are a fresher looking for a suitable job, there is good news for you this week. You may get a positive response from a reputed company. Except for rise in expenses owing to a religious ceremony in the family, there is nothing to worry about at the financial front. But considering how important your family is to you, you may not mind shelling out a few bucks from your savings. Venus, the planet of love is posited in the passionate Sign, Scorpio. This planetary position is favourable for the Rams in love.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : Crucial matters at the work front may keep you busy as a bee during major part of the week. It is better if you complete all your work before the weekend nears, as you may unexpectedly be handed over a responsibility that was earlier shouldered by a colleague. This may be annoying because the task is being assigned to you as your colleague was unable to do his bit. But, says Ganesha, this is your chance to showcase your talent, so don’t crib. With the planets opening doors to money making opportunities, you shall have enough to splurge as well as save. Just be discreet when it comes to choosing investment options. An unexpected expense around weekend may force you to draw some money from your savings but there’s no need to worry about this. Those suffering from diabetes and blood pressure need to be super careful this week. Regular monitoring of your condition is a must.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : The position of Mars, at the beginning of the week, is such that you may remain annoyed and agitated. You may have to dance to the tunes of your boss against your wish. This is not the only time when your patience will be tested. As Saturn and Sun are posited in the 7th House, you may not be able give your best performance at work, and this may not go down well with your manager, who may fly off the handle. You are advised to remain as cool as a cucumber around this time. At the personal front, too, all may not be hunky-dory. A sense of unhappiness may prevail owing to the distressed relationship you share with your spouse and the domestic matters that need to be sorted out immediately. However, at the financial front, you can remain relaxed, as your expenses shall be under control.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : With Moon, the Lord of your Sign, being influenced by Saturn, you are likely to feel blue at the beginning of the week. Nothing will appeal to you, not even the tasks which you generally enjoy doing. Furthermore, Moon connects with Ketu in Pisces, and you are likely to feel completely lost. Fortunately, Mars’ influence over its own Sign, in the 10th House, is likely to orient you in the right direction and also provide the essential zest. However, at the financial front, you may have to borrow money to manage the unexpected expenses that may crop up every now and then. Saving money is, unfortunately, out of question. At the domestic front, too, a few worries are in store for you. A troubled relationship with spouse and unsatisfactory academic progress of kids are likely to put you in a sombre mood.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : The week may not begin on a positive note for professionals, as there will be lots of work and with lack of consistency in your performance, it may be difficult to meet the deadlines. Your boss may not only disapprove of but also criticise your working style. At around mid-week, Moon will connect with Ketu in Pisces, throwing you off balance. You may find it difficult to decide what is right for you and what is best avoided. Fortunately, over the weekend, Mars’ influence over Aries may help you come out of the dilemma. Another positive influence around this time is that of Venus, and owing to this businessmen are likely to make good profits. There will be expenses but you may still be able to save satisfactorily. With work taking up most of your time, don’t be surprised if your spouse complains about it. Make sure you spend some quality time with them.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : At office, a friendly argument with a colleague may turn bitter within no time. So, hold your horses, says Ganesha, as you certainly don’t want the situation to get out of control. As far as work is concerned, you may not be at your best but shall cover up for it by putting in long working hours. A new, interesting task may be assigned to you, causing a stir. You need to turn yourself into an eager beaver and upgrade your skills to be able to complete it successfully. A steady increase in turnover shall bring a smile on the face of businessmen. Mars’ position in the 2nd House (of money matters) from your Sign augers unexpected expenses; you may also not be able to save much. While singles may find their soul-mate and love birds will sing the song of love this week, the time is not so favourable for married individuals. Plan a getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city; it may have a refreshing effect on your relationship.

Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : Moon’s presence in Capricorn at the beginning of the week may help you look for practical ways to achieve your goals. However, you may experience restlessness at your place of work. Malefic Ketu, posited in the 6th House of job related matters, may throw a spanner in the works, and you may not be able to do your bit efficiently. Luckily, your boss may be in a generous mood and shall guide you whenever you go off-track. Moreover, if you are looking to change your job for better prospects, this is an apt time to seek for suitable options, says Ganesha. And if you own a business, this is an excellent time to make profits. At the personal front everything, including your relationship with your spouse, may seem just perfect this week. Barring seasonal ailments, you are likely to be fit and fine during this period.

Scorpio ( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : If you have arranged a business trip at the beginning of the week, Ganesha advises you to change your plans, as the time is not favourable for it. Instead, utilise this time to organise things and reset priorities. It may not be easy to please your clients this week, so get ready for some hard work. If you are employed somewhere, you may be in a comfortable zone what with tasks of your interest coming your way. Freshers may be spoilt for choice, as many good employers are likely to approach them. However busy you may be at the career front, you will crave to spend your evenings at home with loved ones, watching TV, playing indoor games and most importantly chatting with your better half. Thus, marital life, too, seems to be perfect this week. One thing you need to think seriously about is tightening your purse-strings, because expenses may soar this time around, cautions Ganesha.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : Family and finance seem to be the buzzwords this week, says Ganesha. The influence of Mars over the 2nd House where Mercury and Moon are posited, does not herald congenial times at the family front. A disagreement or argument with a member of your family over an important issue may abduct the harmony in your home. However, Jupiter shall help to lessen the negative influence. Too busy at office, you may hardly find time for your spouse; fortunately, your considerate partner shall not complain. Lucky you! In financial matters, instead of going by your instincts, you need to use your grey matter while taking important decisions. You can certainly expect good advice from your spouse in this regard. Mars, Venus, and Jupiter will be aspecting the 6th House of health. If you are a diabetic or suffering from blood pressure problems, you should not at all miss your regular check-ups this time around.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : The Goats are hard-working individuals and they never mind going the extra mile to get work done. These discreet souls very rarely trip up, as they are always prepared for the worst. With all these inherent qualities coming to the fore, thanks to Moon which is posited in your Sign, you are likely to make great strides at the career front. Businessmen will run a tight ship and expect others to be equally well-organised. Avoid planning a business tour around Thursday or Friday. Be very careful, says Ganesha, as far as monetary transactions are concerned. Also, think twice before zeroing down on an option to invest your heard earned money. At the domestic front, you are likely to be quite busy pleasing family members and sorting out Household issues. Cupid is about to strike, so be ready to wallow in the happiness of love.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : Smile, says Ganesha, as the week heralds a wonderful time for your marital life. You will be so much in love with your spouse that you may not want to spend a single moment without them. But remember that there are others things that may need urgent attention for example your financial front. While on one hand you may settle a few long-pending transactions at the beginning of the week, on the other hand you are advised to think twice before lending money to anybody. One wrong step at this front can cost you dearly, so be careful. As Moon will be entering your Sign during this week, you may be keen on experimenting new ideas, and other benign planets shall back your efforts. So, go for it! A business trip, if planned around weekend, is likely to prove fruitful. Be alert and do not use your cell phone while you are driving.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : Your relationship with your spouse may have gone through tough times lately. You now need to sit down and discuss the problems, so that they do not fester and grow out of control. And, with your partner showing equal interest in reconciliation, your love life will certainly get back on track. You will then be in a cheerful mood, enjoying marital bliss. Weekend time will be family time. You will keep aside all other matters to be with loved ones, trying to understand what they expect of you. On Thursday, Moon enters your Sign; you may now be your usual self- sensitive, spiritual, scrupulous, sympathetic, and immersed in the depths of your inner realms. Physical and mental fitness should be your top priority this week, as seasonal ailments are likely to cause anxiety. The stars this week may open the doors to some good money making opportunities; make sure they don’t slip by, says Ganesha.