The Wedding Poser: Adam Sandler Takes Break From Pickup Basketball Game To Take Pictures With Bride And Groom

Adam Sandler took time to pose with fans in their wedidng photos.
Adam Sandler took time to pose with fans in their wedidng photos.

Adam Sandler always has time for his fans — even if he’s in the middle of an intense pickup basketball game.

This weekend, pictures circulated showing the actor taking a break from his basketball game to pose with a bride and groom who happened to be taking their official wedding photos in the park at the same time. TMZ published the pictures, which showed the sweaty comedian smiling beside the couple.

“The newly hitched couple, Tatiana and Karan, hit up a park Saturday in Boca Raton, FL — where they were set to take pictures with Palm Beach Photography — and the pair noticed a familiar face on the basketball court… none other than Robbie Hart himself,” the report noted.

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