Wedding photo with actual explosion in it is the final word in dramatic wedding photos

This wedding shoot is literally, figuratively blowing our minds.

Behold the lengths a Japanese couple has gone to, for the ultimate dramatic wedding photo.

Props to them also for being able to appear calm, as multiple cement bombs went off behind them.

SEE ALSO: 93-year-old bride gets the internet to help her pick her wedding outfit

I mean, seriously. 

Marital bliss
Marital bliss

Image: きだてたく/Youtube

According to a post detailing the shoot, husband and wife got married in 2015, but only decided to take their wedding photos recently.

They contacted a cosplay company, Cosnavi, to come up the concept for the shoot. Eventually, they headed up to the Iwafune mountain, a former quarry, to create the explosive scene.

Image: daily portal z

Image: daily portal z

The groom added that he and his wife were wearing cheap outfits, as they were prepared for them to be ruined during the shoot.

Image: daily portal z

And finally, with the explosives put in place, the couple got their shot.

Here's a behind-the-scenes video.

Can you say: most badass couple ever?


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