We Taste Tested 4 Celebrity-Endorsed Tequilas for National Margarita Day


Tequila has always been one of the favorite liquors of the stars, so why not celebrate National Margarita Day the way they intended: with one of their very own tequila brands? The Yahoo Celebrity editors held a taste test in our office to compare four celebrity-owned tequila brands and the margaritas they make.

The Rules: Each brand has its own suggested margarita, but to keep things fair, we stuck with the same formula for each one. It was a blind tasting and we each ranked them before the brands were revealed.

The Best


Casamigos: George Clooney and Rande Gerber

In our tasting, we noted that while Casamigos made for a strong margarita, it was great to drink and we all wanted another one after we’d finished our first. Even with a super-cheap margarita mix, this was far from the margaritas you whipped up in your dorm room and drank with your nose pinched.

The Middle


DeLeón: Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs

Its bottle looks ripped from a club’s bottle service menu and it’s certainly smooth enough to sip. However, the DeLeón was a little overwhelmed by the margarita mix.


Avión: Vinnie Chase

The boys from Entourage can leave an unpleasant aftertaste so it’s not hard to see why Avión was their favorite tequila. It’s very salty and that’s going to stick with you for a minute even after you’ve finished your margarita.

The Worst


Cabo Wabo: Sammy Hagar

There’s something incredibly sweet about Cabo Wabo; it’s almost like you’re drinking a Jolly Rancher margarita. This may sound delicious to some, but take our word for it when we say even thinking about another sip gives us a stomachache.