WATCH: TV Reporter Tries To Get Panicky Reactions On Irma Among Residents

A woman uses an iPad to record heavy winds and rain from Hurricane Irma as they hit a hotel in Miami, Florida, Sept. 10, 2017.

A video of a reporter interviewing two people about Hurricane Irma on Miami Beach on Sunday went viral after the calm and informative reply of the interviewee impressed many people on Twitter.

The Fox News reporter was expecting some panicky reactions from the couple, but was left with a good dose of information about the natural calamity; the interviewee also said he was not worried about the storm.

The video posted on Twitter on Sunday has been liked 250,000 times and has more than 100,000 retweets at the time of publishing.

In the video, the reporter in a red windbreaker is seen approaching an older man in a white T-shirt and a black baseball cap and a woman wearing a white hat.

Walking towards them, the reporter is heard asking them: "What do you think about the storm, the power and the risk to your own safety?"

The man asked the reporter to repeat the question.

However, instead of a typical response shown by people in such situations, the man gives an informative reply, which apparently the reporter was not expecting.

The interviewee is heard saying: "Well at this point I'm very relieved to discover that as we speak the eye of the storm is practically due south of us by 220 miles because it's crossing the 80th meridian which is 80 degrees west longitude, so I'm not so worried because it's so far away."

When the reporter interrupted the man by saying: "Westbound," the man nods his head and says: "Well not just bearing westbound, it was 275 degrees...That's only one-fifteenth above due west toward true north, so this thing is moving and has been moving in a very westerly direction and because it's several hundred miles south, the risks are less."

The man again reiterated the fact that he was not worried.

Soon after the video was posted, it elicited funny reactions, with some saying: "The dude killed it with facts and science."

Irma, which was being touted as a record-breaking Category 5 storm, was downgraded to a tropic storm Monday afternoon and was gradually slowing down as it moved over northern Florida toward Georgia.

The southern part of Florida is now struggling to cope with the wreckage caused by the hurricane in the area, report said.

Six people died in Florida due to the hurricane, along with three in Georgia and one in South Carolina. At least 35 people died in the Caribbean, the Associated Press reported.

Around two-thirds of Florida's population, around 13 million people, remained without power when the hurricane hit the state last week. Officials also warned that it might take weeks to restore the electricity in the affected areas, according to the AP.

More than 180,000 people were housed in rescue shelters in Florida. One of the residents of Central Florida, Gwen Bush, who waded through thigh-deep floodwater from her home to reach a rescue shelter, said: "How are we going to survive from here?" She added: "What’s going to happen now? I just don’t know."

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