WATCH: You tube suggesting how to make "Ghost Guns" to children

MANHATTAN, New York (KMID/KPEJ)- According to the Manhattan Police Department, YouTube recommends, and automatically plays videos that show step-by-step instructions on how to make a 'ghost gun' to children. A ghost gun is an untraceable firearm that is made out of synthetic materials that are put together and do not need any kind of background check to get, according to the NYPD and the District Attorney's Office, these videos are circulating on children's YouTube accounts without ever searching for the term. "So all these videos are now being suggested, just four minutes after searching 'Call of Duty' videos. A Tech Transparency project in 2023 also showed that after they made four YouTube accounts with profiles of 14-year-old and 9-year-old boys, and after playing 100 gaming videos, YouTube's algorithm started to recommend an instructional video on how to make a real ghost gun. Alvin Bragg, Manhattan District Attorney, and the Manhattan Police Department want to meet with YouTube CEO to talk about changing the algorithm. "This is not an accident, this is not just some byproduct of technology, this is an algorithm that is driving people, in particular, our youth with a few clicks, from watching a video game to being able to build guns, to then, in turn, walking around with ghost guns in our street," he said.