Watch Killer Mike's Powerful Endorsement Of Bernie Sanders

Rapper Killer Mike delivered an impassioned speech in Atlanta Monday night endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for president.

"In my heart of hearts, I truly believe that Sen. Bernie Sanders is the right man to lead this country," the hip hop star, activist and Atlanta native said.

Killer Mike cited Sanders' stance on the Voting Rights Act, health care, education and ending the war on drugs as reasons for backing the Vermont senator's Democratic campaign.

Sanders spent part of the day with Killer Mike,who took him around the city and out for a meal at a soul food restaurant.

"I have said in many a rap, I don't trust the church or the government, a Democrat, Republican, a pope, a bishop or those other men," Killer Mike said. "But after spending five hours tonight, after spending five hours with someone who has spent the last 50 years radically fighting for your rights and mine, I can tell you that am very proud tonight to announce the next president of the United States, Sen. Bernie Sanders."

Sanders also posed for a photo in which he did the Run the Jewels hand gesture with Killer Mike:

Run the Jewels is Killer Mike's collaboration with rapper El-P. After the speech, El-P sent out a series of tweets endorsing Sanders:

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On Youth Unemployment

<p>"We got to put young people to work, we got to give them an education, rather than putting them in jail," Sanders said in an interview on <a href="">MSNBC's "The Ed Show</a>."</p>

On The Middle Class

"Ordinary people are profoundly disgusted with the fact that the middle class is being destroyed and income going to the top 1 percent," Sanders&nbsp;<a href="">tweeted</a>.
"Ordinary people are profoundly disgusted with the fact that the middle class is being destroyed and income going to the top 1 percent," Sanders tweeted.

On Gun Control

<p>"Folks who do not like guns [are]&nbsp;fine. But we have millions of people who are gun owners in this country -- 99.9 percent of those people obey the law. I want to see real, serious debate and action on guns, but it is not going to take place if we simply have extreme positions on both sides. I think I can bring us to the middle," Sanders said in a <a href="">CNN interview</a>.</p>

On Free Tuition

<p>"It is insane and counter-productive to the best interests of our country, that hundreds of thousands of bright young people cannot afford to go to college, and that millions of others leave school with a mountain of debt that burdens them for decades. That must end," Sanders said during his <a href="">campaign announcement</a>.</p>

On Wanting Top Marginal Tax Rate Over 50 Percent

<p>"In the last 30 years there has been a massive&nbsp;--&nbsp;we&rsquo;re talking about many trillions of dollars being redistributed from the middle class to the top one-tenth of 1 percent. It is time to redistribute money back to the working families of this country from the top one-tenth of 1 percent," Sanders said on <a href="">PBS's "Charlie Rose</a>."&nbsp;</p>

On Marijuana

<p>&ldquo;I coughed a lot, I don&rsquo;t know. I smoked marijuana twice --&nbsp;didn&rsquo;t quite work for me,&rdquo; Sanders told&nbsp;<a href="">Yahoo</a>.</p>

On Universal Health Care

<p>"So I do believe that we have to move toward a Medicare-for-all, single-payer system. I think it's not going to happen tomorrow, but that certainly should be the goal," Sanders said on&nbsp;<a href="">ABC&rsquo;s "This Week.</a>"</p>

On Police Reform

<p>"We&rsquo;ve got to demilitarize the police --&nbsp;we don&rsquo;t need tanks, you don&rsquo;t need heavy military equipment in the communities of the United States. We gotta pay attention to the African-American communities, to poverty so these kids get the education and job training they need," Sanders told&nbsp;<a href="">Yahoo</a>.</p>

On His American Citizenship

"Well, no, I do not have dual citizenship with Israel. I'm an American. I don't know where that question came from. I am an American citizen, and I have visited Israel on a couple of occasions. No, I'm an American citizen, period,&rdquo; Sanders said in an interview with a <a href="">D.C. NPR affiliate</a>.

On Health Care And Education

<p>"Please don't tell me that the United States of America, our great country, cannot guarantee health care to all people. Don't tell me that every person in this country should not be able to get all the education that they need regardless of their income," Sanders said in <a href="">Portland, Maine</a>.&nbsp;</p>

On Campaign Finance Reform

<p>"A major problem of our campaign finance system is that anybody can start a super PAC on behalf of anybody and can say anything. And this is what makes our current campaign finance situation totally absurd," Sanders said to the&nbsp;<a href=";sa=D&amp;sntz=1&amp;usg=AFQjCNFZakd5ulP0Hy6nzwFq06bIh_AVHA">Burlington Free Press</a>.&nbsp;</p>

On Undocumented Immigrants

<p>"Despite the central role that undocumented workers play in our economy and in our daily lives, these workers are too often reviled by many for political gain and shunted into the shadows," Sanders said at the<a href=""> National Association of Latino Elected Officials conference</a>.</p>

On Bank Bailouts

<p>"If a bank is too big to fail, that bank&nbsp;is too big to exist," Sanders said in <a href="">Denver, Colorado</a>.&nbsp;</p>

"If a bank is too big to fail, that bank is too big to exist," Sanders said in Denver, Colorado

On Raising The Minimum Wage

<p>"Our goal as a nation is that if somebody works 40 hours a week, that person will not be living in poverty," Sanders said in <a href="">Iowa</a>.&nbsp;</p>

On The War On Drugs

"What I can tell you is this: We have far, far, far too many people in jail for nonviolent crimes, and I think in many ways, the war against drugs has not been successful, and I think we've got to rethink that," Sanders told&nbsp;<a href="">Yahoo News' Katie Couric</a>.