
Watch Jennifer Lopez school Alex Rodriguez on the meaning of 'Moneyball'

Many wondered how Alex Rodriguez was able to turn himself into the perfect baseball analyst overnight. Turns out, he may have a really excellent teacher.

That would be his girlfriend, musician Jennifer Lopez. A-Rod posted a video on his Instagram page Wednesday that reveals JLo might actually be the brains behind Rodriguez’s analysis.

Your ears and eyes do not deceive you. That’s Jennifer Lopez perfectly summarizing the story of “Moneyball” to Rodriguez. He even spliced in some clips from his television appearance to show just how well the two matched up with their explanations.

Rodriguez always seemed too polished from the start. Now we know his secret. JLo is actually the one with all the baseball knowledge.

OK, even if that’s not 100 percent true, it’s still a fun video. Lopez knows her stuff, and it’s clear she either was really invested in the story from the start, or heard A-Rod practice the segment so many times that it just she memorized it. It could definitely be the latter. This is A-Rod we’re talking about.

But, hey, this is what happens when you’re in a relationship. One person’s interests start to become shared interests. JLo is showing off the baseball knowledge she may have picked up from A-Rod.

Does that mean A-Rod will post video of himself doing some sweet choreographed dance moves next? We can only hope.

Jennifer Lopez teaches Alex Rodriguez about “Moneyball” in video. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)
Jennifer Lopez teaches Alex Rodriguez about “Moneyball” in video. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

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Chris Cwik is a writer for Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Chris_Cwik

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