Watch Howard Dean Bring Back the ‘Dean Scream’

Howard Dean made light of his worst moment in politics at the Democratic national convention Tuesday night.

The former Vermont Governor, Democratic National Committee chair and presidential candidate took the stage to stump for nominee Hillary Clinton, ending by revisiting his famous “Dean scream” from the 2004 race.

“Help make history, and volunteer because this race is going to be won on the ground, and it’s going to be won in Colorado, and in Iowa, and North Carolina, and Michigan, and Florida and Pennsylvania, and then we’re going to the White House!” Dean excitedly told the audience at the DNC.

He was referencing a line that he made as a presidential candidate in 2004, minus an infamously garbled scream at the end which helped doom his campaign after he came in third in the Iowa caucuses.

The audience appeared to be in on the joke, laughing along as it became clear what Dean was doing.