Watch what happens when Overwatch meets VR’s Job Simulator

When it's time to play some Overwatch at the office.
When it's time to play some Overwatch at the office.

I’ve never worked in an office with cubicles and other people, so I’ve never played hockey in the hallway with broomsticks and an old bagel before. But now one developer is mashing up office games, Overwatch, and virtual reality.

VR developer Zi Ye, who is working on Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty game at the Owlchemy Games studio, has remixed the VR employment puzzler Job Simulator with Blizzard’s team-based shooter Overwatch. The result is a virtual office version where you use tools from your digital desk to fight off waves of robots dressed like the Western gunslinger McCree and other Overwatch heroes.

Check it out: