Watch: Destiny Player Discovers Unfinished DLC Location

VIDEO: GS News Update: Destiny Player Discovers Unfinished DLC Location [01:31]

One curious Destiny player has managed to find a way to enter an unfinished part of the game world that will not officially open until a DLC update, scheduled for release in 2015.

The location, called The Terminus, was recently cited as a future DLC level after some of Bungie's plans for future content had leaked online. In order to reach The Terminus, players will typically need to stand inside a large vertical beam that funnels them to a location far up in the clouds, though the beam is not currently active.

However, as shown in the video below, YouTuber Nowise10 has managed to reach the apex by meticulously triple-jumping onto various wall appendages, and tight-rope walking across certain scaffolding, that surrounds the vast beam funnel.

The video below offers a guide into how to reach the area, which currently offers the reward of picking up three dead ghosts. The Terminus will officially unlock when "The House of Wolves" DLC is released, scheduled at some point for 2015.

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