Here are the best moments of Clinton, Trump's fiery debate


More than a year of campaigning led to this day. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump shared a national stage for the first of three presidential debates. Their heated debate cycled between pointed barbs and explosive defenses and touched on a wide range of major topics.

Here's CNBC's latest coverage and analysis:
Dow futures add 100 points as debate ends; Clinton 'on her game'
Trump brags about not paying taxes: 'That makes me smart'
Clinton: Trump 'publicly invited' Russia to hack us, which is 'unacceptable'
Clinton slams Trump on 'the birther lie'
Trump again praises stop and frisk, says people in inner cities are living in 'hell'
Mexican peso jumps 1% against US dollar amid debate
Trump: I will release my tax returns when Clinton releases deleted emails
New Hampshire residents find what they were looking for in Trump-Clinton debate
Op-Ed: Debate tactics: Trump taps into voter anger; Clinton plays it safe
Clinton on Trump taxes: 'There's something he's hiding'
Clinton: Trump would cut taxes for the rich in 'trumped up' trickle down economics.
Trump again accuses the Fed of being political to help Obama
Donald Trump has the sniffles, and Twitter can't shut up about it.

This critical first debate comes as national and swing state polling has tightened. A recent national Quinnipiac poll showed Clinton up by 1 point in a four-way race including the Libertarian Party's Gary Johnson and Green Party's Jill Stein, while a Bloomberg poll showed a 2-point advantage for Trump. Clinton's average lead in recent four-way polls sits at 1.6 points and was as narrow as 0.7 points a week ago, according to RealClearPolitics.

Recent polls also show Trump taking a lead in swing states Ohio and Florida while gaining ground in Colorado.

Trump's ability to describe his often inconsistent policy stances and stay away from the insults and bluster that have defined his campaign will be under scrutiny. Democrat Clinton, on the other hand, will try to stay on message while facing the unpredictability posed by her Republican opponent.

The campaigns have taken different approaches to debate preparation, as Clinton has dedicated time to studying while Trump has left only small windows to prepare.

Here's the markets' biggest fear about the debate ... and beyond
The presidential debate is a gold mine for media companies
Op-Ed: It was a huge mistake for Clinton to invite billionaire Mark Cuban to the debate
On this debate stage, there's nowhere to hide

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