Washington Commanders Owner Dan Snyder vs. the NFL

Could this be the end of the line for Daniel Snyder? Last week the House Committee on Oversight and Reform wrote that the Washington Commanders owner and his team “may have engaged in a troubling, long-running, and potentially unlawful pattern of financial conduct,” according to a letter the committee sent to the Federal Trade Commission. The allegations include the withholding of millions of dollars from season ticket holders in the form of refundable deposits, and disguising ticket income that should have been part of the NFL’s revenue-sharing pool (teams must give 40% of their home ticket sales to the league for equal redistribution among its 32 franchises). The story is developing, and the charges at its heart are still unproved. But this is far from the first controversy to dog the Commanders. Will and LZ talk about Snyder’s future, and how it reflects on the league that doubles as a playground for rich owners with sketchy reputations.