Warning shots fired after North Korean soldier defects to South

This file photo taken on November 27, 2017 shows North Korean soldiers staring at South Korean soldiers at the truce village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized zone (DMZ) - AFP
This file photo taken on November 27, 2017 shows North Korean soldiers staring at South Korean soldiers at the truce village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized zone (DMZ) - AFP

South Korean guards fired up to 20 warning shots at North Korean troops as they searched for a comrade who had defected across the heavily militarised border.

It is the second defection of a North Korean solider in just over a month and comes amid heightened tensions over Pyongyang’s build-up of nuclear weapons.

A ‘low-ranking’ soldier who was reportedly aged 19 arrived at a front-line South Korean guard post in heavy fog just after 8am on Thursday morning.

South Korean military officials said no shots were fired when the solider crossed the border. But around 90 minutes later about 20 rounds from a K-3 machine gun were fired to warn off a patrol of North Korean soldiers who were apparently looking for their comrade.

About 40 minutes later, two bursts of gunfire were heard in the North, but officials said there were no indications of any bullets crossing the border.

The defection is the fourth time this year a North Korean soldier has fled across the world's most heavily armed border.

FAQ | North Korean defection

The incident came a month after the rare and dramatic defection of a North Korean soldier under a hail of bullets from his own side at Panmunjom, the truce village where opposing forces confront each other across a concrete dividing line.

A dramatic video showed the soldier speeding down a tree-lined road, headlights on, past dun-coloured fields and shocked North Korean soldiers, who begin to run after him.

He crashes the jeep into a ditch near the line that divides North and South and the blue huts familiar to anyone who’s toured the area. The man then lies injured in a mass of leaves before South Korean soldiers take him away to safety.

Two North Korean civilians also defected this week and were found drifting in an old, engineless boat off the South's eastern coast, Yonhap news agency said.

The pair "expressed their willingness to defect", a South Korea's Unification Ministry said. Their claim for asylum was being investigated.

 In this Nov. 27, 2017, file photo, North Korean soldiers look at the South side as a South Korean stands guard near the spot where a North Korean soldier crossed the border on Nov. 13 at the Panmunjom, in the Demilitarized Zone, South Korea.  - Credit: AP
In this Nov. 27, 2017, file photo, North Korean soldiers look at the South side as a South Korean stands guard near the spot where a North Korean soldier crossed the border on Nov. 13 at the Panmunjom, in the Demilitarized Zone, South Korea. Credit: AP

The developments bring this year's total for the number of people defecting directly to the South to 15, a Joint Chiefs of Staff tally showed - three times as many as in 2016.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for North Korea's foreign ministry said on Thursday that Pyongyang is not linked to any cyber attacks, the North's first response since the United States publicly blamed it for a massive worldwide cyber security breach.

The US blamed North Korea for the rampant WannaCry ransomware that infected more than 200,000 victims in around 150 countries.

Businesses, schools and hospitals including the NHS were brought to their knees by the malicious software after it spread in May. 

"As we have clearly stated on several occasions, we have nothing to do with cyber attack and we do not feel a need to respond, on a case-by-case basis, to such absurd allegations of the U.S.," the spokesman said, according to the North's official KCNA news agency.