Warning: These Out-of-the-Box Linkedin Marketing Tips Are EXTREMELY Actionable and Effective

Because of these Linkedin marketing tips, tomorrow, or possibly within 24 hours, you’ll have people in Linkedin asking about what you do and how you can collaborate with them – that’s how effective these tips are!

This is the one Linkedin marketing resource that you need if you want to get results.

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Warning: These Out of the Box Linkedin Marketing Tips Are EXTREMELY Actionable and Effective image Linkedin Marketing 1 600x341

Before I start sharing, I’d like to emphasize the core elements of the tips that I’ll be talking about:

1.) Helping others.

2.) Being genuinely interested in others.

These two elements are what makes my tips work. They are the reason why others will contact you after implementing these Linkedin marketing strategies that I’ll share. If you think you can’t live with the core elements, then you should forget about using the tips since you’ll just end-up hurting your brand one way or the other.

Now that we have that squared away, let’s get started.

Thank the publisher for the article they wrote and tell them that you shared it.

There are three very important reasons why you should message and tell them that you shared their post.

1.) So that you can be more personal in expressing your gratitude for the tips that they’ve shared. This makes your message a lot more meaningful and worthwhile to them.

2.) They won’t really know that you shared it unless they scroll the heck out of their news feeds and see you sharing it. This RARELY happens though so don’t even count on it.

3.) You can open up a conversation with them and look for an opportunity to collaborate.

This tip helps you solidify whatever kind of relationship you have with your connections. This makes them feel like they are connecting with a real human – a warm one at that!

The more human you seem to them, the more likely they’ll contact you if they’ll ever need your help.

* Tip – If you didn’t find value on the article that they published, then don’t even think about contacting them and telling them how amazing their post is. That’s downright manipulation!

You should only do this tip if you’ve read his post and you found TONS of golden nuggets in it. If you think you’ve learned a lot of things that can prove useful to how you go about your work/life, then that’s when you should contact them and thank them for the article they published.

Take the time to regularly change your profile’s background.

There is more to using your profile background than just adding a random good-looking image or your website’s header image.

Instead of doing that, why not add a promo-code or a theme-based monthly image?

Not only does this give your profile a fresher monthly look, but it’s also HIGHLY functional.

Using your banners effectively can tell your profile viewers in a whim if you have special offers or an event that your company (or you) are about to launch.

Also, you can share your banner to your employees. Can you imagine how many profile views your employees have monthly? Now imagine all those viewers seeing your promo offers?

You can give your banner ads thousands of monthly impression at no cost at all if you use this strategy.

Ask for your network’s expert advice.

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Warning: These Out of the Box Linkedin Marketing Tips Are EXTREMELY Actionable and Effective image Linkedin Marketing 2 600x450

© tuk69tuk Dollar Photo Club

Contact your network (be selective about this) and ask for their expert advice on an article that you are currently working on.

Of course, you’ll have to mention how you’ll feature them on your article as the source of the idea.

Telling someone that you’ll feature them is akin to saying that they are important to you without actually telling them straight-up. The unspoken message of how you value them is pretty clear since you’re asking to feature them.

This strategy usually ends-up with them either ignoring you, or giving you a “sure, I can help you with that” answer. Once they give you the latter, you can then talk to them or perhaps message them about how you both can collaborate on a project.

This puts you on a strategic position where you can build a stronger relationship with them and be their service provider should they need someone with a skill set like yours.

* Tip – These people are often times busy. So don’t ask them for an entire article’s worth of advice. A 3 – 5 sentence advice should be a good enough length.

This also works since you can contact other experts and feature 5 – 10 experts per article and still keep your article at a reasonable length.

Rent someone else’s profile background.

There’s no harm in asking – provided that you ask the right way, of course.

I’ll be the first one to tell you that most Linkedin users are VERY conscious about their profile. They want it to look as professional as it can be so asking them if you can rent their profile’s background may be a bit of a hot topic to talk about.

But… If you’ve already established a level of trust and goodwill with the other person, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t ask them. Just be professional about it and you surely won’t run into any kind of trouble.

Before you even decide to do this, here are a couple of points that you might want to consider when choosing which person to contact.

1.) Does the person have a huge number of followers?

2.) Is he or she constantly sharing and commenting on posts?

3.) Does he or she constantly publish long form posts? Does his posts get any shares or comments?

The main idea is to make sure that the person is active and interacting with a lot of people. This increases the chances of people seeing your banner / promo in their profile background.

* Tip – Only premium users have a customized profile background. However, rumor has it (or this has already been rolled out by Linkedin to some accounts) that free users will also have this feature.

That being said, be on the lookout on your profile. If you see your profile with a blue background, then you should be able to change it to something that’s going to fit your brand.

Be the first to comment (as much as possible) but be VERY SELECTIVE on which long form post / discussion you’ll comment.

While I totally agree with how the length of a comment isn’t in any way directly proportional to the value that it can give, I urge you to write a relatively long comment nonetheless.

Adding 3 – 5 lines would be great.

This gives the readers the impression that you took the time to write a comprehensive comment for them – at a glance.

Of course, this rule is made to be broken. Just make sure that you provide as much value as you can when commenting. Make sure that reading it is worth the reader’s time.

If they find your comment really helpful, then you would’ve established yourself as an authority in the field adding to your credibility.

* Tip – You’ll be better off being selective on which articles/discussions you’ll comment on. Make sure that the article has a powerful headline and look for indications that the article is going to be viral.

Don’t just go on clicking every niche related long form post you can find and start commenting on them. You’ll end-up wasting your time if you comment on posts that others won’t read.

Say “Hi” to your new connections

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Warning: These Out of the Box Linkedin Marketing Tips Are EXTREMELY Actionable and Effective image Linkedin Marketing 3 600x398

© Stauke Dollar Photo Club

I’ll tell you right now that not many people take the time to welcome their new connections.

Either they are too busy, they missed seeing the notification, or they just flat-out don’t care. Which ever it is, you’ll be in a better position if you aren’t any of those people.

Taking the time to welcome them (warmly) makes you even more personable to them. It makes you more professional and more human to their eyes.

Question… If they see that you possess the skill set that they are looking for and they are pleased with how you acted towards them, what do you think is stopping them from sharing their business with you?

On the other hand, if you didn’t say hi to them, chances are good that you’ll just be another name on their list of connections – nothing more, nothing less.

* Tip – Mention something personal or perhaps something you both know about.

If you’re both in the marketing niche, you can tell them “Hi ____, I hope you weren’t hit on the latest Google update… blah blah blah”.

This makes your message very personal and worth reading.

Also, the chances of them replying to your message REALLY shoots up!

Use the “Who’s Viewed your Profile” tab

The “who’s viewed your profile” feature is a good place to look for warm leads.

While most users in Linkedin (that’s on the same industry as your target market) can be considered as warm leads, the ones in your “Who’s viewed your profile” section is even warmer.

Why, you might ask?

Simply because people don’t just look at your profile if they don’t have a reason for doing so. Most of these people look at your profile since they are interested about your or perhaps they need someone with the same skill set as yours.

Whatever the reason is, failing to contact them and asking whether there’s anything you can help them with is a big no-no.

Their interest towards you that led them to click your profile can lead to something bigger and lucrative for the both of you if you take the time to nurture it.

Simply saying hi or outright asking them (nicely) if there’s anything you can help them with can be a good way of opening a conversation with them.

* Tip – Instead of simply asking them about how you can help them, you can also ask them about what they do or what their expertise are.

Not only does this tell them that they matter to you, it also helps you learn more about them and how you both can collaborate on future projects.

Capitalize on the “keep in touch” feature.

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Warning: These Out of the Box Linkedin Marketing Tips Are EXTREMELY Actionable and Effective image Linkedin Marketing 4 600x332

This feature tells what’s happening on your network’s life events. It’ll tell you if it’s someone else’s birthday, if they have a new job, or if it’s their work anniversary (among other things).

Considering the kind of information this feature gives you, you probably already know by now how powerful it is. This helps make your message timely making it a bit more meaningful to them.

Let me give you an example. If you see in your “Keep in Touch” section that someone got hired for a new job, what’s stopping you from contacting them and opening up a conversation on how you can both collaborate?

You can say something like,“Hey __________, Congratulations on being the new web developer in (name of company). I’m a Copywriter and I think there’s a huge opportunity for us to collaborate. Let’s get in touch in…”.

* Tip – Don’t just use Linkedin’s default message “congrats” when connecting with someone. It looks spammy and quite frankly, it isn’t going to be worth anything because there is nothing personal about it.

Create your own message and personalize it based on what your connection’s new job or life event is.

Always ask for an opportunity to collaborate with them whenever you can.

As you may have noticed, all the tips that I shared involves interacting with your network one way or the other. That’s because I personally believe that conversations win clients.

Once you get the conversation going, take the time to ask them if there’s an opportunity for you to collaborate with them.

You can either do this on your first message to them or probably on a later part. The point is, you need to ask.

This is one thing that a lot of Linkedin users fail to do. They know they want new clients, but they don’t bother to ask because they worry about sounding too salesy.

This issue can be fixed by simply using the right set of words that convey concern and genuine interest to them.

Here’s an example.

“Hey ________,I’m glad to have met you here in Linkedin. I see that your expertise is on __________, do you think we can collaborate on a project together?”

“Hey ________, I’m also in the your niche, do you think we can collaborate on a project together?”

* Important note – This is the tip that you need to integrate in almost all the tips that I shared above.

If you use this tip on every opportunity you can (that makes sense), there’s a very high probability of them replying to you asking about what kind of collaboration you had in mind.


Before you start doing any of the tips that I shared, please don’t ever forget what their core elements are. If you don’t have your network’s best interest in mind, and you’re doing this out of purely selfish reasons, then these tips won’t work for you.

Do you have any Linkedin marketing tips to share?

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Warning: These Out of the Box Linkedin Marketing Tips Are EXTREMELY Actionable and Effective image Linkedin Marketing 5 600x360

© leszekglasner Dollar Photo Club

Now’s the time for you to share.

If you did a quick search on the web about effective Linkedin marketing tips, then I’d wager that you found how all the tips shared are pretty much the same.

Please don’t bother sharing the same things here.

However if you have unique Linkedin ideas that are both actionable and effective, then I’d love to hear about it in the comments section below.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Warning: These Out-of-the-Box Linkedin Marketing Tips Are EXTREMELY Actionable and Effective

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