Wall Street Just Had Its Worst Day of the Year

Wall Street Just Had Its Worst Day of the Year

We hate to spoil your spring, but all of that positive progress the stock market made toward getting the Dow Jones Industrial Average breaking 13,000 seems a little premature after the bottom fell out on Tuesday. The Dow tanked at the beginning of the day and continued sliding downward, closing at 12,759, a drop of more than 200 points. If you're one to trust the analysts, it's not America's fault, and furthermore, this is just how Wall Street works. "It's more based on what's going on globally," wealth strategist Mark Martiak told CNN Money. The drop did happen just after China announced that it was lowering its growth forecast significantly, partially because of the ongoing financial unrest in Greece and the rest of Europe.

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This was officially the worst day of the year on Wall Street, but remember, the year is still young.

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