VP Contenders Praise Ryan as Courageous, Innovative

Republicans who were in the running to become Mitt Romney's running mate on Saturday lavished praise on Romney's selection of Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. Here are their statements:

LOUISIANA GOV. BOBBY JINDAL: "Paul is a good friend and one of the smartest guys I served with in Congress. He has the courage of his convictions, which is what our nation needs."

FLORIDA SEN. MARCO RUBIO: “Throughout his life, Mitt Romney has made great decisions, and choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate is a truly inspired choice. I got to know Paul during my Senate campaign when he endorsed me early on when I was still considered a long shot. Paul Ryan is a courageous reformer who understands our nation’s challenges, has proposed bold policy solutions to solve them, and has shown the courage to stand up to President Obama and other Washington politicians trying to tear him down."

FORMER MINNESOTA GOV. TIM PAWLENTY: "Congressman Ryan is a respected leader and a bold thinker regarding the changes needed to restore America. His selection will also help Governor Romney win the key swing state of Wisconsin."

OHIO SEN. ROB PORTMAN: "Mitt Romney has made a great choice in Paul Ryan. He is an accomplished public servant and a leading voice on the most pressing issues facing our country. Paul is one of my best friends in Congress and someone I have worked closely with as a former colleague on the House Ways & Means Committee."

NEW JERSEY GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE: "With Paul Ryan on the ticket, this is a team that understands the economic stagnation our country has been facing the last four years and the urgency with which we need to change course. The Romney-Ryan team is uniquely positioned to make the tough choices necessary to confront our fiscal challenges and get results."