Voter Fraud, Video Replay, and 'Revolution'

Voter Fraud, Video Replay, and 'Revolution'

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: True the Vote, one of a "network" of conservative groups seeking to combat voter fraud, "is mobilizing a small army of volunteers to combat what it sees as a force out to subvert elections." 

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World:  In the Middle East "protesters and their sympathizers" explain that they seek "the right of a community, whether Muslim, Christian or Jewish, to be free from grave insult to its identity and values." 

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U.S.: Football games at Florida A&M University won't feature the sounds of the school band, the Marching 100, as it serves out a suspension following the hazing-related death of Robert Champion, 26. 

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New York: One of New York's "unlikeliest sightseeing ventures" is a walk through the city to Kennedy Airport.

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Media & Advertising: David Carr on quotation approval.

Technology: The "incremental" changes in smartphone technology. Internet companies deal with what speech should be outlawed on their platforms. 

Sports: William C. Rhoden argues that "we are addicted to video replay in a way that has become unhealthy." 

Opinion: Bill Keller on Republicans and gay marriage in New York. Seth Anziska examine's the United States' part in the "massacre at the Sabra and Shatila camps." 

Music: Philip Glass' Einstein on the Beach at the Brooklyn Academy of Music is " an exhilarating revival." 

Television: Alessandra Stanley on Revolution