Vollmer Sets World Record; Hugs from Michelle Obama

Dana Vollmer is an American hero. The swimmer set a world record time in Women's 100 meter butterfly on Sunday with her 55.98 second showing. Vollmer didn't even qualify for the Beijing Olympics. But, here she is, setting world records and stuff. Go Dana! USA! USA! [ESPN]

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Michelle Obama gave every member of the Men's basketball team a hug after they finished toying with France en route to a 98-71 victory. Michelle Obama looks like a really good hugger. Someone hold us. [Photo via AP]

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This is disgusting. NBC didn't air a part of the opening ceremony that was supposed to be a tribute to the victims of the July 7, 2005 terror attacks in London. Instead, they opted to show Ryan Seacrest interviewing Michael Phelps. After everyone was confused over the decision to cut out such a poignant part of the opening ceremony, NBC finally gave a reason for leaving out the segment: because NBC's broadcast is "tailored for an American audience." The Daily Kos points out that if the BBC did something similar to a 9/11 tribute, the outrage would be intense. [National Post]

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NBC's streaming site sucks. They tried to blame your streaming problems on, well, you. NBC's head of digital suggested any potential streaming problems you were having were because of browser or computer issues. Maybe you should get an upgrade, hm? But SB Nation's Brian Floyd tried using three different browsers and two operating systems and the website was still eating up his computers memory and nearly crashing everything. Great job, NBC! [SB Nation]

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Oh, and that whole tape-delay thing isn't going anywhere. NBC did bonkers ratings numbers last night, too. [The Hollywood Reporter]

This is so confusing. Judges initially awarded South Korea's Cho Jun-Ho the victory in his judo match against Japan's Masashi Ebinuma. But then International Judo Federation stepped in and changed the result and declared Ebinuma the winner. Somehow, on top of all that, they both won bronze medals because two bronze medals get awarded in judo and boxing. That's worse than a participation badge. [Deadspin]

Someone created the inevitable empty Olympic seat parody Twitter account. It's actually not that bad. A sample: 

It was my lifelong ambition to be an Olympic seat. To provide rest and comfort for cheering sports fans. I feel like such a failure.

— The empty seat (@OlympicSeat) July 29, 2012

I feel like such a failure.

— The empty seat (@OlympicSeat) July 29, 2012


Medal count time! The U.S. have pulled within one medal of China, who lead the pack with 11. Italy's next in line with seven medals. Japan and South Korea have five, and then there are a bunch of countries with three or fewer. Adorable countries like Georgia, Moldova, and Slovakia all have one medal. Canada also has a medal, finally. Great Britain has a silver and a bronze, but so far gold has eluded the host country. [Medal Count]