Voice of the people (letters to the editor for Friday, Nov. 12, 2021)

ALA is front line of veterans support

The members of American Legion Auxiliary Bataan Unit 4 in Deming, New Mexico would like to express our sincere appreciation for the men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces.

Thank you for serving this great country. Thank you for protecting us. Thank you for the security we have here at home.

We know you sacrificed much for your country and all of us. And though you may no longer wear the uniform, we know you’re always on call to serve and protect the freedom and security of the United States of America.

We invite everyone to pause today to remember those who have fought for our freedoms.Thank you to all who have so bravely protected us.

The American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) is a community of volunteers serving veterans, military, and their families. Our members also support the mission of the American Legion in improving the quality of life for our nation’s veterans.

Proud sponsor of ALA Girls Nation, National Poppy Day® and recognized for advocating for veterans on Capitol Hill, the more than 600,000 ALA members across the country volunteer millions of hours annually and raise millions of dollars in service to veterans, military, and their families.

Founded in 1919, the ALA is one of the oldest patriotic membership organizations in the U.S.A. To learn more and to volunteer, join, and donate, visit www.ALAforVeterans.org.

Maureen Harrop, Secretary, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 0004, Deming, NM

America Recycles Day

According to data from the Environmental Protection Agency, less than one in three recyclable items is recycled. Roughly 29 percent of PET plastic, used for products like water bottles and food containers, is recycled. Less than 35 percent of aluminum is recycled. Cardboard shipping boxes are recycled at a 96.5 percent rate.

A large part of our problem is that recycling is confusing. Some products with the chasing arrows recycling label can’t actually be recycled. Recycling centers take plastic products numbered 1 or 2 (things like water and soda bottles), and increasingly, number 5. And too often those numbers are hard to read.

Want to make a difference? Find out what products your community recycling center allows. Not all centers accept glass or foam. But anything that can be recycled often is turned into a new use, from furniture to clothing or even road surfaces. All of those cut down on the need for landfills and garbage dumps.

We can reduce unnecessary waste and protect our planet one informed person at a time. It only takes a commitment to be one of those persons.

James Bowers is the managing director of the Campaign for Recycling Awareness (RecyclingFacts.com).

This article originally appeared on Deming Headlight: Voice of the people (letters to the editor for Friday, Nov. 12, 2021)