Viral video star at 6 months, Korean girl brushes with Internet fame again at 3

Kawanyoung Park, a software engineer is Seoul, South Korea, is that rare exception of a parent who can point to objective evidence for why he may have the cutest baby in the world.

At 6 months, his daughter, Yerin, rocketed to fame in that unique 21st century way — through YouTube — after a video of her smiling and sleeping, sometimes at the same time, went viral. Yerin's video was covered by CNN, NHK and Korea TV and has over 8.5 million views.  She even has a Facebook fan page.

Yerin, her dad says, is mostly unaware of her fame, occasionally getting a comment when she's out at the market.

The Korean girl has grown up a bit, and now she shares her house, and her YouTube channel with Yeseo, her younger sister. But the adorable videos keep coming. She's prolific, but there's always the sophomore slump: Can she produce another hit?

In "Independence Day (Daddy's Cut)" a more mature Yerin — she's 3 now — makes a play for a blockbuster second act.

Chased by her daddy, she squeals with delight and flees to the safety of her moms legs, again and again. Just when a beat has been established, she changes things up. Instead of running, she stands firm. "Daddy!" she screams bravely. He freezes. "I am surprised," her flummoxed father says.

Was Yerin's stand the end of the chasing game? "She (does) not run away these days," he reports in an email.

What about that second act? "Independence Day (Daddy's Cut)" was posted April 25, and it already has just under 1 million views.